Episode 7

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Planet Earth.

Home of the Kaiju, Dinosaurs, and Titan's.

But there about to meet something that doesn't belong to earth.

Something foreign.


(3 POV)

Two things were entering the atmosphere.

Those two things were quickly caught on fire. Some part's of stone and debris began falling off.

They were getting closer and closer towards the ground.



Those two things crashed on a island. Luckily there wasn't anything living on that island.

Getting a closer look those two things were made out of rock but under neat it was....metal?

One of the pods starts to slowly open before revealing what's inside.

It was a woman.

But it wasn't a normal woman.

She had red lenses/classes for hands she has two hooks like protrusions. She had golden and green scale's. Her tail was long an ending with a sharp tip.

"A finally were here"

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"A finally were here"

The invader began looking around only seeing a island's, and water all around them. Seeing this she quickly took out a a machine with a camera.

A panel started opening before before glowing red showing that she was up.

"Your majesty were here"

No response but she waited after all she would barely survive if her majesty was angry. Finally a voice spoke.


She let a breath that she didn't know she was holding.

"Your majesty if I may"

"Speak Gigan"

Gigan began getting nervous.

Swallowing she began talking.

"What business to you have in this stupid planet anyway"


She didn't speak anymore because she didn't need to. She already spoke her mind.

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