Episode 8

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The air was dense.

The two kaiju Megalon and Gigan were feeling chills down there spine.

Ryu was watching them for there move.

Gigan whispering: He's just standing there menacingly.

Megalon couldn't help but agree.

Ryu however started using his intimidation display.

Now his human side was pissed but his Godzilla side was weary.

Animal such as dinosaurs will not start fighting for nothing it would be for territory, hunting grounds or much more.

Big predatory animal won't fight other meat eaters wen there's is risk of injury.

And Ryu was doing the same thing.

His signal was "get the fuck out of here or else suffer the consequences".

(Scene change)
(Location: Space Ship)

The queen was standing on her throne watching the battle but when she heard Ryu intimidation display.

???: So you were the one who made that sound mmmmmm.

Looking at him closely she could accept that while he was handsome she needed to see his battle skills.

After all the last thing she wanted was a weak husband.

(Scene Change)
(Location: Earth)

That sound of Ryu intimidation display send shivers down there spine.

He was giving them only one chance to back off. Now in the animal kingdom they would have leave the planet or fight him.

Unfortunately they chose the second option.

Seeing that they were standing there ground he stop doing his intimidation display. He began slamming his tail on the ground as if saying "last chance take it or leave it".


They didn't.

An that may cost them there lives.

You see in the animal kingdom when an animal gives you a warning sign for you to back of you better back of. The most infamous warning sign would be the rattlesnake saying "I'm here back away" and not just that theses species of snake are extremely agresive.


No one move they were eyeing each other. Gigan and Megalon we're watching him; waiting for his first move. They were eyeing every part of his body for a twitch from a finger, tense legs, or any other movement.... They were also having naughty thoughts on what they would do to him.

Ryu was also eyeing them waiting for the first move. A twitch from a finger anything. His thoughts....well let's just say that if he doesn't to the kiss of dead then may god have mercy on there souls.

... ... ...

Having enough of the waiting Gigan began charging towards him follow by Megalon digging underground.


Ryu began charging towards Gigan.

Seeing this Gigan prepared her hooks for a slash attack.

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