Episode 4

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We see Ryu and Ryujin glaring at each other.

Ryu because he was defending the earth, the future ecosystem and because he was an invasive species.

With Ryujin it was because he had a mission it's creators send him out to see if this planet was available for them now, this thing while small was an alpha predator.

He had to to kill it before it grows stronger. If it was small he would have headend it, but the things is Ryujin was wide has, as his opponent.

He can only eat the smaller type of kaiju. Hell his kind works better as a group.

Without exchange for word's they started circling each other.

Watching each other. Daring one of them to make a move, or a mistake.

While that was happening Ryu was studying is opponent.

'Ok he's like a crocodile mixed with a mosasaurus, so his bite is going to be strong.'

Then started looking towards it's body.

'It's body is slick, so it means that it's built for speed with little bit of armor.'

Looking around his opponent he began searching for weakness.

Taking a second look at his opponent he wanted to slap himself. Reason why? It's because while his opponent it's a mixture between crocodile and mosasaurus it had one weakness.

The flipper's.

Many animals have flipper's.

If Ryu took and example it would be a shark. Why a shark you may asked? Well the chinese people hunt sharks only for one thing.....there fins. Once they catch the shark and cut of its fins they will release the animal back into the ocean.

A gruel way to die.

And his opponent while not having fins like a shark instead it as flipper's. But flipper's are very similar to fins in so many levels.

Having made of his plan and mind, he stopped.

This action also made Ryujin stop.

With a quick trust Ryu sent himself towards his opponent. Ryujin not lacking behind also swam towards his opponent.

The two enemies were getting closer and closer until.


The to enemies crashing against each other cause and earthquake.

Quickly as can be Ryu started reaching for the flipper's. Ryujin seeing what his enemy was doing quickly tried to go for the arms.

Seeing this Ryu quickly tried to doge the bite.


Giving a roar of pain Ryu could feel his claw get trapped in the jaw's of Ryujin.

Fighting tru the pain, Ryu quickly wen to return the favor.


He could feel his opponent wiggle his flipper trying to make it get free.

Seeing this Ryu but more pressured on his bite.

Before yanking towards the right.

He could feel his enemy, bones being ripped apart, as well as his flesh.

Ryujin have never felt pain such as this, the Kaiju he was fighting as rip one of his flipper's.

He couldn't take it anymore.

Letting go of his opponent claw he began roaring in pain.

Ryu quickly brought his claw, that was in mid regeneration, made a swipe towards the left eye.

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