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"We need to move now!" Ace ordered, "Ready your gear and prepare to transport the wounded!" Sirens wailed throughout the air as Operators scattered around the square as they rushed to fulfill their orders. Firewatch stood beside Jacob and Amiya as they discussed what to do next. Dana had already joined the foray of medics supporting the detachment.

They were standing in a crate with Firewatch's map plastered over it. "How long do we have until the catastrophe strikes?" Jacob asked as he glanced at the map. The only viable extraction point was across the city. Firewatch laid her transmitter on top of the crate and tuned into the automated warning system. Turning up the volume, the voices around the crate quickly fell. "Only an hour... shit." Firewatch took a glance at the sky. It was a dark red, the telltale sign of a meteorite catastrophe.

"Docter, maybe we can try moving through the outskirts?" Amiya suggested, dragging her finger across the map. Jacob was about to agree until something pinged it wrong in his head.

"No," he said, "that's where they expect us to move. It will also make it easier to become trapped and stalled. We'll move through the center of the city where we can prevent ourselves from being surrounded." Amiya said nothing as she slowly nodded.

She smiled, "It seems you haven't lost your tactical prowess." Jacob's eyes widened. He really said of all that? That's another fragment of his former self, a tactician.

Firewatch took a glance at the map. "The distance we have to move isn't bad. But we have to move now. Who knows what we'll meet on our way there."

"I see...," Amiya said. She turned to look at Ace, who was directing the operators. "Ace!" Amiya yelled, "how are we looking?"

"We're geared up and ready to go!" Ace replied.

Amiya nodded, "Tell everyone to move." The large man nodded and relayed orders. She turned to Firewatch. "Can you come with me for a second?"

"For what?" Firewatch responded, looking at her.

"I need to go over something with you," she responded, walking off. Firewatch's face turned to confusion as she followed Amiya. The two walked for a bit before they were alone in an alley.

Firewatch stared at Amiya. "What's this about?"

Amiya reached into her pocket and pulled out a tape recorder. "Dr. Kal'tsit told me to give this to you. It holds your next orders from her." She held out her hand and Firewatch grabbed it. Smiling like always, Amiya walked out, leaving Firewatch by herself. She grasped the recorder in her hand for a bit before she hit play.

Grainy static played before Kal'tsit's voice played. "What you're about to hear is only for you, Firewatch. Destroy this tape after listening." Kal'tsit coughed before continuing. "With the events happening in Chernobog, you have discovered and awakened the doctor." Firewatch glanced out of the alley and at Jacob, who was explaining the escape route to Ace. "Your new aim is to protect the Doctor by any means necessary. Good luck." The quick message ended and Firewatch dropped the recorder on the ground. Bringing up her boot and brought it down, crushing the evidence. She twisted her foot to make sure of its destruction. Walking out of the alleyway, Firewatch spotted the formation of Rhode Island operators ready to move. Spotting Jacob at the rear, she strolled up and stood beside him.

Jacob turned to the Firewatch. "What did Amiya say to you?"

Firewatch stared at the front of the formation where Amiya was standing with Ace. "She needed a report of my assignment so far for Dr. Kal'tsit," she lied.

"Dr. Kal'tsit?" he asked, "who's that."

"My boss, and a colleague of yours," Firewatch answered

"Let's get a move on, people!" Ace bellowed as he walked out of the square. The sounds of marching filled the air as they filed out. Firewatch glanced once more at the sky, the red color leaving a sense of unease in her.

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