It Begins

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It Begins

Rhodes Island Motorpool

"Everyone, get in your assigned vehicles! Chernobog is reaching the intersection point!" called Amiya as she organized the operators. After going into the gritty details of the mission, the special operation teams were immediately sent out as the rest waited for their signal. Firewatch, rifle slung over her shoulder, carried a large steel tube in her arm as she entered the garage. It was a grapple launcher and would allow them to enter the city from the outside. As she glanced around, she saw the garage packed with dozens of vehicles waiting in front of the exit. Practically every vehicle was filled to the brim with operators, normal and elite alike. Looking for her ride, she heard Jacob's voice.

He motioned for her. "You're with us, Firewatch! Hop in!" Throwing the launcher in the back, she slid into a seat. The vehicle was a light off-road buggy that was perfect for crossing the sandy terrain they would be encountering. Besides her, Jacob, and the driver, Firewatch was surprised to see Kal'tsit sitting in the passenger seat.

"You're coming too, Dr. Kal'tsit?" Firewatch asked, genuinely surprised. She didn't expect the Lynx to join them. "Shouldn't you be watching over the ship?"

The person in question turned. "Due to the important nature of this mission, I have taken additional command of our squads along with Dr. Jacob." Kal'tsit stared directly into her eyes. "You don't have to worry about protecting me. Unlike the Doctor, I can protect myself." A small green and black crystal hovered above her palm. Even though it looked harmless on the outside, Firewatch could feel... something off. Leaning back in her seat, she looked at Jacob for an answer, only receiving a quick shrug. A loud horn blared as the lights of the room shut off and turned red. That being the signal, the garage doors opened, revealing the empty waste outside.

Amiya rose from her own vehicle and addressed the room. "We are green for deployment! Remember your objectives! See you all soon!" With that, the transports trickled out of the back. The engine of Firewatch's vehicle revved as it soared out, hitting the ground hard before turning towards a large sandstorm in the distance. Except it wasn't. It was the Special operation team's distraction. Recovering from the initial shock of the exit, Firewatch donned a pair of goggles, with everyone else following suit. When the storm got closer, she took another precaution and wrapped her scarf around her mouth.

With harsh wind and sand hitting their face, the buggy entered the storm. Firewatch grasped the handles of the car's frame. There was nothing to be seen through the overwhelming sand cover, except for the couple rays of sunlight. However, after five minutes, she could see the large silhouette of Chernobog in the distance. "There it is. Firewatch get to the back and ready the launcher! We'll be there in under 3!" Jacob ordered. Firewatch at first struggled to reach the back as the sand pressed against her body. Jacob, seeing this, held her arm. "Don't worry! I'll steady you!"

With his grip and after making hers secure, she moved to the back and grabbed the launcher. Bracing it against the roof, she made sure it wouldn't fly from her hands as they drove closer to the mobile city. With the city looming high over them, they finally broke through the storm cover and moved beside the city. Kal'tsit looked at the city's outer exterior. "We're in position! Fire!"

Adjusting for the wind and their movement, Firewatch fired the launcher with a thump. The hook traversed over 30 meters before wrapping itself around scaffolding and pipes. She tugged the wire, determining it was secure. Tying it around the frame of the car, Firewatch called to Jacob, "It's good! Doctor! You're first!" She attached a harness with a motor onto it before pulling Jacob to the back.

"Are you sure this thing is safe?" Jacob asked as he looped on the many straps and buckles.

Firewatch smiled smugly as she tightened the final strap. "I have no idea!" She savored the look of horror on his face as she flipped on the motor. His screams faded into the distance as he shot forward towards the city. After a couple of minutes, the harness came back. "Kal'tsit! It's your..."

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