To Kill a Hero

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To Kill a Hero


The battle between Rhodes Island and the Guerillas erupted violently as each side began enacting their plans almost immediately. Arts and bolts from the snipers and casters from each side quickly filled the open air as RI operators and Guerillas alike maneuvered across the new battlefield. Defenders and guards fought side by side, stalling the advance of Guerilla axemen, as vanguards intercepted any flanking maneuvers by any hounds.

However, this was all sideshow compared to the marching mass of steel that was Patriot and his guards. Firewatch watched intently at the slow, yet persistent threat in front of her. Only an idiot would confront Patriot like this, yet here she was. At least she wasn't alone. Rosmontis, Kal'tsit, Amiya, and even Doctor Jacob stood beside her to face this threat.

Amiya concerningly looked at Jacob, "Doctor, we're waiting for your command."

"How do we break through his armor? Before I can make a plan, I need to know how we can defeat him." Jacob mused before turning to Firewatch, "Do you know anything, Sofia?"

"There's very little we can do to pierce his armor. The plate he wears protects him from all angles. "Firewatch grabbed something from her webbing and tossed it in her hand. "I requisitioned some interference grenades from our logistic team. They should weaken him for a time so we can damage him."

"Anything else? That seems dangerous to get close."

Firewatch shook her head. From all the times she saw Patriot in action, nothing could stop his march completely. "Besides overwhelming his armor through sheer firepower, this is the only way." she smirked at him. "Don't worry, I'll come back alive."

Jacob sighed. "You always say that. Kal'tsit? Any ideas?"

"Buldrokkas'tee is nothing like we fought before. Under no circumstances do not get hit. I doubt Mon3tr could survive a hit."

"Duly noted. Looks like there isn't much we can do but face him straight on. Firewatch, you'll get close with Mon3tr and create openings in his defense. Amiya and Rosmontis will provide fire support from the back and provide a distraction for the attack."

Mon3tr made strange clicking sounds as Kal'tsit frowned, "That's it?"

"It may be simple, but our opportunities to actually break through his armor are slim. We need to get close." Jacob emphasized the last sentence. "I know this is dangerous, but this is our only chance."

Firewatch understood the danger behind her assignment. "I see," she rested her hand on the blade hilt of her blade, "We shouldn't keep Patriot waiting, now should we."

Kal'tsit sighed. "Perhaps this might work." Mon3tr roared into the sky as the lynx turned to the nearby cautus. "Amiya."

The tension, as already thick as it was, seemed to grow even more. "Yes, Dr. Kal'tsit?"

"Prepare to remove your rings if we fail here."

Amiya gasped before turning serious. "I understand."

"Good." Kal'tsit turned to Mon3tr and flicked her wrist forward. Mon3tr, floating stationary before, roared forward in a mass of crystals. "Let's begin."

"Follow the strategy and we may just walk away from this!" Jacob yelled. "Go! Leave them no quarter!" With a single command, the fight that would determine the entire battle began.

Kicking off the hard asphalt street, Firewatch quickly caught up to Mon3tr right before it reached the phalanx of Shieldguard. With a mighty roar, the crystal monstrosity slammed into the wall of steel as the men behind held stubbornly. Firewatch, about to lend her strength to the attack, stopped at the last second as support reigned in.

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