Back to Normalcy

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Back to Normalcy

Above Chernobog

Firewatch gripped the overhead handles of the canopy as the helicopter lifted off. Her surroundings rumbled as she watched the city that she toiled slowly become a dot in the distance. The entire Chernobog team currently occupied the inside of the helicopter 'Bad Guy', getting ready to deploy again. As Firewatch stared through the small oval window, Jacob began a briefing on the ongoing situation.

"It's getting worse. Reunion caught the LGD off guard and is now in control of various hard points throughout the city," Jacob kept reading from his tacpad, "We have some operators present inside as support but most of our people are busy in the Landship's defense."

"What happened?" Firewatch quickly whirled hearing the news. Was Lily okay?

Jacob smiled. "Everything is fine. We repelled the attack before they could even reach us. Fighting remains constant enough to warrant deployment and lockdown of the ship." She let out a sigh of relief as Jacob continued the brief. "We'll be deploying where the LGD needs us. We got some info on the enemy's compositions. Its... concerning."

"We got confirmed reports of Reunion special forces and specialized drones in the city. They've been effective in pushing and occupying LGD positions. Their squad leaders are also present." he flipped his pad and showed a blurry camera feed. It showed a hooded man dividing an LGD defender in two. "We also got unconfirmed reports of Katana wielding infected who have unparalleled lethality. Take extra caution."

"We got a problem on our hands." Blaze said, hearing the information. Everyone in the helicopter shared the sentiment. It was going to be an uphill battle that would leave a lot of them wounded or even killed. They're going to need to pull all stops.

"Are we stopping by Rhode Islands?" Firewatch suddenly asked.

"Yes, we need to pick up some people. Why?" Amiya said.

Firewatch held her hand to Jacob. "I need to make a call." He didn't ask questions as he handed her his phone. She walked to the secluded back of the craft and scrolled through his contacts until she found the one she was looking for.

Several rings passed before the person behind it answered, "Dr. Jacob. What are you calling about?"

"This is Firewatch, Dr. Kal'tsit. Before you ask questions, I need something delivered to the team heading to Lungmen."

Rhode Island Landship docked to Lungmen

Lily hugged a small deer plush as an alarm blared over the speakers. It's been like this for a while now. Uncle Hellagur told her to stay in her room because some bad guys were outside. Since then, she hasn't left the room for any reason. Through the alarms, her ears picked up the sound of the front door of the dorm unlocking. Walking out of bed, she peeked through a crack in her bedroom door as a woman entered the room and immediately walked into Firewatch's room. She quietly snuck out and observed the woman shuffling through the contents of her guardian's closet.

The stranger wielded a large black staff and had a reptilian tail trailing behind her. Lily immediately ducked into cover as the woman retrieved a long sword encased in cloth from the closet. "I never expected her to have something like this." Lily heard the woman muttered. She watched her leave with the sword held behind her as questions racked her mind. What did that woman take from Firewatch's closet? She wanted answers.

Trailing a fair distance behind, Lily trailed behind the stranger as they walked through the empty halls. Through luck alone, she could follow her on her trail until they reached the roof's helicopter pad. Lily stopped behind an air conditioner unit in order not to be seen as the woman walked up to an active helicopter. She watched as the woman knocked on the helicopter door. The door slid open, revealing an elafian.

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