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*George pov*

I was so focused on the idea I had that I didn't really noticed that I felt someone looking at me, I was too focused but eventually the feeling kept growing and it distracted me. It made me feel uneasy, I knew no one was looking at me, I hadn't heard anyone walking around and my curtains were closed. But the feeling just made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, I couldn't deal with this.

I had already finished the made melody of the song and the first couple verses and chorus, I came take a brake.

I got up rather abruptly, I stood up very quickly causing me to feel rather dizzy, I kept my eyes focused on the ground beneath my feet. In this moment I wanted to hug that stupid stuffed toy, I wanted to feel comforted, but when I thought about it, it wasn't on my desk, it wasn't on the floor by my feet.

Once the dizziness subsided I looked up to try and find the stupid thing, it only took me a second, it was in front of me but in the far corner of my room. How did it get there? Did I throw it when I thought it was stupid earlier? If I did how did it end up there?

I'm being dumb, I'm obviously I'm dehydrated, so I'm not thinking straight, it'd make sense after I have a class of water.

I went over to the blood and carefully picked it up, I held it close to my chest again. Once I had, I felt comforting arms around me, it felt nice and warm. I could almost smell the cologne of another person, it made me smile. But after a moment it was gone because I put the blob down on the counter.

I looked at the blob, is this seriously where my mental state was at? Making this blob thing feel like a person, my subconscious playing, toying with me more.

"Why," I whispered as I eyes the blob, "why..." I took one last long look at it and tapped the countertop stop myself from looking more. Why did it feel like something was looking back? Just my subconscious being a prick as always.

This blob thing was causing more problems then fixing them, but I can't just throw it away my mother only just gave it to me... I could leave it in the living room, on the coffee table? I rarely sit there so I wouldn't have to look at it.

After I chugged down a couple glasses of water I turned around to pick up the blob. Was it now facing the other way? I don't care anymore, I just picked it up and placed it on the dusty coffee table. I gave it a quick pat on the head and made my way back to my room. I sat down at my desk and tried to focus again, it took a while but I finally got there, focused.

*blob pov*

"why...why..." George stared at me he seemed conflicted and confused, have I been too bold? Was he already wanting me gone? If he did, he didn't know it's not as easy as throwing me away, it's not my fault it's the stupid curse.

He drank his water, I was going to give him a hug again because he look frustrated at himself but before I could he put me down on a very duty and walked back into his room, leaving me here... Was already bored of me? If so this will be a long couple of years, decades?

I thought way way back to how this happens, the memory is hazy at this point, I can't even look on google, my bit history is lost, lost to time.

Ancient Greece, Greek Gods flirting around with mortals, popping out demi gods every now and then... what about the demi gods children? not that important but there I was... I was abandoned in a forest with a bunch of normal mortals, I just continued living like they were but always feeling out of place. The main thing that was obviously different was that I had blond hair everyone around had brown or black hair.

I'm getting myself distracted, but I miss my town, my people, I wish I got to die with them, but they have passed and I'm still living.

My curse, my curse...

My curse, I'm stuck never ageing, yes I've lived thousands of years but my atoms are mine, never dying, never getting damaged, I fail to make sense but it's because I don't. My existence isn't right. My grandparents left, they left when this world started to get to advanced for their liking so the went searching for easy food.

My curse, I'm an object to those who own me. The past hundred years I've been this blob thing. I have no control over what I'll be next. I can only be in human form when the human I'm to belong to is with me, there are some loop holes in this but I can't be bothered to explain.

My curse, since I am object, I can only be someone else if I am willing giver over. Then main loop hole in this is I am someone's until they die, after death I am stuck unable to move, the first person to touch me once they died I'm there's. If this all makes sense.

I cannot be thrown away, I have to be willingly given to someone.

My curse is confusing but it really isn't for anyone else to understand apart from me since I'm the one who had to live with it until the end of time.

To put my life on a more cheery note, I do try to help those who I'm with. Before George I was a little girls toy, when her parents weren't in I'd become human to look after her, if she'd cry I'd rock her to sleep, when he got older I'd play tea parties with her.

It was sad to see her go off to uni and never come back... I can't force myself to live through that experience... I watched her grow up to a lovely young women... I was hers until her mum came in crying, shoving everything of hers into boxes, I didn't understand until she picked me up...

But now I'm here with George...

I have to make sure I don't loss George the same way I lost her...

I need to keep him happy...

I need to start again, I was too head strong, I have already done stuff with George, I need to take a step back and take my time with him, but not too much time, just time.

1138 words

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