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*George's pov*

I sat upright panting. A cold sweat rolling down my back.

"What the fuck," I muttered to myself.

After gaining a regular breathing pattern, my eyes were able to finally focus, the blob was on my lap. I grab it a stared at it for a second.

"Please, I just," I started but tears welled up in my eyes and I took a deep sharp breath in, "I just need," I let out a loud sob. I roughly pushed it into my chest. I needed that hug I seemed to get from it but it didn't happen, "Please." I begged the sound escaping from the deepest part of my soul.

Almost as if that summoned it, I felt gentle arms rap around me, I went to open my eyes all I was able to see was a dark green something until what felt like a hand covered my eyes.

I just sat there sobbing into my empty apartment, sobbing upon empty ears, no one was really there. I was going mad, I was slowly losing my sanity, "I just... I just don't want to be alone" I took a long shakily breath in, the arms tightened before slowly leaving me, "why? why am I doing this to myself?" I shout at myself crumpling into my own arms, "why?" I whimpered, I was running out of air.

I felt the feeling of someone softly putting a hand on my head and start to play with my hair. I left out a loud sigh which slowed down my crying, "just why?" I whispered.

I'm so tired, tired of life, tired of this, I just need to sleep. I want to sleep...

The hair playing caused me to slowly drift of to sleep.

*George's dream pov just needed the separation*

I felt the pressure become more real on my head as if a real person was playing with my hair, my face was dry of tears.

I let out a soft breath, not meaning to I let out a small noise, a happy one though.

The hand stopped mind stroke.

I slowly opened my eyes, I noticed my head was on someone's lap, they were wearing shorts but nothing else on their lower half. There skin was tan but on the light side. They were fairly strong I could feel some of the muscle in their thighs.

I soon realised it was weird that I was just studying this persons legs I slowly lifted my head, I would of turned around to see whose face the legs belonged to but I didn't need to, since I lifted my head I saw the cliff I was just on but from a different angle, I was under it. On the side of the cliff where he was... The legs belonged to him...

"Glad to see you are okay," a gentle voice spoke behind me, even though it was gentle there still was a sight huskiness to it.

"Umm," I turned around to see the same face I saw from above, I was close I could see light freckles the spread across his face, it was cute, wait I'm not just staring at him in his face no, "I- umm, yeah I'm okay thank you..." Then I thought wait how am I here wouldn't of I died in this dream by now?

"You okay?" he looked slightly nervous but still had sweet eyes.

"How did I..." I trialed off I looked over at the cliff, jesus that is really high up.

"Oh... I caught you, well... kinda off." he sounded unsure on what to say.

This hole thing is odd. Why am I dreaming about this? How am I still dreaming when I know I'm dreaming, shouldn't I be waking up?

"I see you are confused, I probably didn't help all that much," the guy spoke carefully as if he was trying not to scare me, "but all will make sense with time." he finished his sentence with a smile and closed his eyes. He leaned back to take in the sun, his hair seemed to glow when the sun shined onto it.

"Time..." I muttered to myself, ha yeah... time... like I have that. I running out of it. I really am becoming a nutter, "as if I have time..." I muttered aloud, if he heard then it would be his problem.

When he chuckled, that is what made me confused, "Okay then," he let out a sigh but smiled and extended an arm for me to take to stand as well (so I did), "I'll show you something but just stay here when I do." he said looking down into my eyes, he was a good few inches taller then me. I gave a small confused nod, "this place, I can't really explain, it's a safe place of sorts and you are sleeping, we're sleeping. And if you wake up." He stopped, he started to loss colour, he became translucent in a way and his body slowly began to slip down towards the ground. I tried to keep him from falling, I was still able to hold and move him when he was like this but I was still weak so I couldn't stop him from falling.

But before he reached the ground he became fully coloured, he was no longer see through. I stopped himself from hitting the ground, I just stared at him confused, "how in the heck," I looked at him wanting answers but all I got was a small laugh.

"I told you it'll all make sense in time... You just have to give this place," he took a second to admire his surroundings, a look of nostalgia filled his face, but it looked like it saddened him momentarily, "this place," he turned to look at me with a smile to try and cover the last emotion that was just on it, "you just have to give this place time," he looked down to the ground momentarily, "but what do I know?" he said with a playful look and raised an eyebrow, "I'm just some random guy that caught you." he slid both his hands down my arms while taking a step backwards.

"Can't you just tell me now?" I asked, as much as I enjoyed this, what ever this was, I would wake up and this would all be gone.

"In time," he said again with a grin, "I'll just tell you that you need to experience it yourself," he was starting to retreat into the forest.

"How are you so sure that I'll even come here again?" I called after him, I didn't head into the woods, the woods was a wall I couldn't cross.

"I'm sure because I'll bring you back here, pretty." he called back with a small laugh at the end.

(sorry wrote this late at night)

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