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*George's pov*

My eyes widen... Did I really just say that? Do I mean it? My expressing is met with a similar one from the mystery man.

I have only known this place for a few days, how could I say a statement like that?

Well... Every time I've come here it's just so peaceful, I feel separated from my world and am welcomed to this paradise of a land. Every time I have come here I haven't been alone, I have had company, I have had him, and he is so gentle. Every time I've come here... I felt like smiling.

But are all of those reasons good enough to say goodbye to everything?

For me, yes.

I focus my eyes at him, he still wearing that confused face, and I wear a more serious one.

"What if I don't want to leave?" I ask more loudly and more directed at him. His eyes only seemed to grow with worry.

*blob man pov*

"You... want to stay here?" I look into his eyes searching for am answer but it was easy to find the one he meant. What am I supposed say or do? I have really fucked it up this time, haven't I?  He can't stay here, not in the way he wants.

He's looking at me with those Renaissance French cafe eyes, he's so precious, I need to protect him but I can't do it this why, can I? "yes," he speaks knowing his words are true.

I can't just rip this place away from him, oh gods, help me think. I need to somehow get him to feel comfortable in his reality, how do I do that? I need to get him to look forward to the real world but what can I use to kick start that?

... I have an idea but I don't think it'll work. I'll need to try it, but it could work. I can't do this suddenly, it'll be confusing to him. Who could blame him? To suddenly have the guy you had in your dreams become your neighbour...

But that leads to the fact, how do I make that transition? I have to let him come here because it helps him calm down, in some ways, but I can't keep him here because he's wanting this over his reality which is very bad.

I give a small nod to George. His eyes grew with excitement ? I take a set on the grass. I need to calm myself, I don't want to cause him to worry, so I take a couple deep breaths. I let the soft breeze surround me, letting me close my eyes and tilt my head backwards. This is going to be messy, but it needs to be done.

I look at George suddenly, for I felt his hand on mine. Probably by mistake since he was doing what I was doing. He noticed my hand wasn't grass and moved it.

He looked so peaceful, a small smile rested on his face, eyes closed and letting the breeze do its thing, chest rising at a normal pace.

This is not going to be a easy transition...

*3rd person*

The 19 year old and the forever stuck 18 year old stayed there for a couple minutes, in those minutes George's head somehow found its way to the blob mans shoulder. In this calm, George woke up.

When George realised that he had returned he was annoyed yet understanding. Even though he wanted to stay he knew there was still a life waiting for him when he opens his eyes.

The blob beside him. Watching and debating when to do what he needed to. He needed to do something now before this situation grew harder to fix, but still it was already a hard task.

George was at his desk, even though he didn't know how his music got uploaded there was no real harm to come from it. People didn't know it was him uploading and he was going to upload them eventually, it was just the shock and everything piled on top of that that caused suck an out burst of emotion. He knew that at some point people might find his music, George wasn't ready for it but it seems he'll have to be.

~~time skip~~

George finished writing the song he started writing earlier, he has started to record bits for it but he didn't feel like he could finish it since he wasn't in that mood set for that song. He had another frowning in his mind that he was more interested in.

But soon night came and unknown to George, who had been to concentrated on doing his music stuff, the blob had made his way around the apartment in preparation for what he needed to do. The blob needed to use as many loop holes as possible when doing this. Loop holes in his curse to be able to seem as a normal human being on the other side of the wall.

George made is way into bed, he was ready to go back, back to his preferred reality, he reached for the blob a hugged it and closed his eyes. But when he opened his eyes again he was still in his room but this time it was morning.

887 words
(sorry for it being short)

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