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*George's pov*

I open my eyes, or zone back in? Either way, when I join back to the living world I feel familiar arms around me, familiar warmth around me, "huh?". I can't see anything apart from this neon green colour, "Dream?" I muttered into the fabric, my mind it still cloudy from the switch back to the moving one.

A familiar hand reached up to rub the back of my head, a low chuckle comes out of him, "not quite," he said in his husky voice that I so missed. I felt the plant of a gentle comforting kiss on the top of my head, then that's when I felt grass touch my ankle.

I pull my head away because the neon green changed to a more muted, dull, dark green. My eyes are met with his, "Where have you been?" Dream is in-front of me, we are in the forest.

"I'm sorry," he mutters out gently, he places his other hand gently cup my face, his eyes trance what a path way down my check before he took he thumb and whipped the tears away, I didn't even know I was crying, "I just... there was something I had to do,"

"You left me..." I checked out, please I don't want to do this, I just got him back please keep it together, please don't scare him off.

His eyes saddened, "I'm sorry I just-" But I stop him.

"It's okay, you are here now at least," I with way to much desperation, "even if you go please come back." I want to make a deal, I can't loss this place again... I can't loss him again.

*Dreams pov*

What have I done?

He's so desperate, I can't say no to him. I'm the one that put him this deep into this turmoil. His eyes are just pleading with me.

I need to be the person he wants and needs me to be here. I have to. He is my human until he gets rid of me. In here I'm Dream, a guardian of sorts. I will protect him from in here. Out there, I will be a neighbour, hopefully into a friend, I'll help him meet people get his stability out there because he can just give me away.

So I always do my best.

I look into his so gentle, so precious brown eyes, they were watery. I take a deep breath in to compose myself, I need to be stable for him.

I give a little comforting smile; I reach my right hand to gingerly cup the side of his face, I look deep into his eyes, "I will always come back," only if you keep me, "I will bring you back, for as long as you need me." But do I give him everything? Yes.

"Then why..." he pauses, breaking eye contact with me for a couple, almost looking for how to structure his sentence, but the frown that grows on his face before he looks back tells me he gave up, "Why, why did you leave, you said you had something to do I know, but it's been over a week, isn't that too long? I mean, you are just something my mind made so why did you leave? You left," he says through gritted teeth. The tension in his shoulders rises. He's fighting with himself, he's trying to make sense of something that can't be made sense of, "You we're replace with crappier versions and nothing like this, is the even normal? Nothing makes sense, I've tried but it fonts make sense..."

How do I help you? I promise I will help you but how do I? "George." I say in a calm, clear voice. It brakes the hole he was digging, his eyes clear and he properly looks at me.

"mhm?" His focus on me and looks at my lips when I start.

He wants me to explain to him why, so I will. "It's hard to explain," my eyebrows narrow, I don't want him to panic, but how do I explain, does he even want to know everything?

"maybe try from the beginning?" George says seeing my wrinkled forehead.

"It's not that easy George." I didn't mean to mutter that, that was supposed to be and internalised thought. I look to see George's face.

His face seems to be soft but I can't tell if he's scared, sympathetic, or even slightly understanding but obviously his confused, even I am but for different reasons as he is.

I should know what to do, I have done this, I have explained to my owners but if I'm honest I have mainly grown up with them; I never really had to explain since they were used to me being there. I'm just going round in circles, this isn't helping either of us. I'm so useless.

"Can you just try?" George cups my face this time, eyes more worried but still pleading with me.

I have to do as my human wants, "George, I am not part of your subconscious. You didn't not make me. You are not going mad." I have to at least make that clear, I have to. Would he even believe it?


George is just staring at me. I didn't fix anything I'm so dumb. How am I supposed to help my human if he doesn't trust himself or me enough.

902 words

so sorry about not updating sooner just haven't been to sure what to do. i get ideas and start them but never sure how to continue them

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