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*blob pov*

He got up with some convincing, his head was in the clouds but not nice clouds, his eyes looked to busy and void of any emotion. He reached for his laptop and started to play one of his songs but half way through he stopped, his eyes widened in fear and confusion, his breathing became way to rapid for it to be good for him.

That's when I realise what his looking at, on his screen I see his mouse hovering over his songs that he didn't publish. A wave of guilt covered my skin. Why did I do that? I was having fun... But I should of got to know my human before doing that. Oh god, what have I done?

He pushed away from his desk but with seconds he slumped in his chair, before I could do anything I was pulled back into his head space.

*blob mans pov*

I rushed forward towards him and wrapped my arms around him, I was so confused and so worried but I need to care about his emotions right now, "are you okay?" I ask quietly and quickly. I couldn't help myself but to left my head fall into the dip of his neck. He didn't speak he just let out a weak whimper of sorts. "it's okay, you are okay, I got you, it's okay, you are safe." I reached a hand up to his head to help calm him.

After a couple minutes his breathing calmed down and it seemed that him managed to group himself slightly, I just repeated myself, "I got you," I whispered to him. I loosened my grip on him to give him room to leave my arms if he wanted to.

"Thank you," I think I heard him whisper, "thank you." he said more clearly and more sure of himself. We went to pull himself away so I was letting go of him when he stopped.

Our eyes met, did I mention how beautiful his brown eyes where? They remind me of Renaissance France, of a quiet bookshop, a thick smell of coffee flowing through the air. His eyes seemed to be busy with his own thoughts, I was curious to think what he was thinking.

I was smiling at him, but I still feel guilty, I was the one to make him feel like that and once he's out of here he'll feel it again all because of me...

I broken out of my own though process when he leaned closer, just with his face. His eyes seem to be captivated, almost as if he was in a trance. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle which seemed to wake him up, well not wake up wake up.

He broke eye contact with me and pushed me away with a hefty push, I just let out another laugh, after a second I tried to compose myself, "it's okay, you are safe here," I didn't want to push him but I needed to show curiosity here otherwise I'd look odd, "what caused you to come back here? is it night already?"

I immediately regretted my question, it was suck a dumb question, he had just calmed down why would I bring it up again.

At my question he stiffened a bit, "it's just..." he trailed off, he was instantly consumed with thoughts that made him shake ever so slightly.

"Hey, hey, look at me," I place my hands over him to ground him in this reality, "look at me, you are doing great, I'm so proud of you for doing this much," I wanted to say more and to stop this from continuing but he went to say something.

He looked at me in the eyes before opening his mouth, "it's... just that, something happened and I freaked... I didn't know how to process my emotions  and then when I go here I got overwhelmed again and I just don't know what to be believe or do or or," his voice become paper thin, "just FUCK," he broke eye contactant turned away suddenly, "why am I like this, I getting so worked up over nothing, I don't know you, I just made you up so I wouldn't feel lonely and this is just so depressing," his words sent dangers into me, "I need to send myself to a looney bin, I can't even trust my own memory anymore," he paused for a second and turned around quickly, eyes glazed over with frustration and anger showing in his movements, "and you," he takes a step way to close almost punching his index finger through me, "you" he said in a sickening tone.

I take a step backwards, he already hates me, does he know? How am I supposed to explain? Does he really think all of this? Does he already want me gone? Have I already failed my human?

"You," he repeats, disgust in his eyes and voice.

Can he even see me through those eyes?

"George..." I raise my hands up in a way of surrendering to him to show I mean no harm, but it didn't even seem to register, "George," I said more loudly, this time it seemed to get to him but it didn't process in his mind, "please," I almost sounded so pathetic how I sounded, "George." I said sternly but as calm and polite as possible.

That time his eyes seemed to soften but he was still clearly frustrated. I could tell he was confused, that he wanted answers. But how was I supposed to explain, yes I could explain but that never goes well, I went way to head strong, I need to undo this and start again... But I've done my redo this millennia already... I just need to calm him down and make a plan later.

I slowly take a step forward and gingerly reach my hands and wrap it around his on that was still in the air as if it was still pushed against my chest. I didn't want to speak, I need to undo this, I need to fix this, "George talk to me... please," I spoke quietly, voice wavering slightly.

"You don't understand!" he pulled his hand away,   he looked towards the grass that lay at our feet his eyes saddened, "I swear I'm losing my mind..."

He looked completely lost, and that was because of me... Well maybe not all of it but I didn't help... I need to help him but I'm not doing that, I'm doing the opposite. How have I fucked up this bad already? It has barely been two days!

How do I respond? "George you not okay, you just need to take a deep breath and wake up," He needed to leave this reality, he needs to go back to his.

He looked at me, I don't understand what was on his face, a bit of betrayal, understanding and still some frustration mixed with confusion, "what if.." he took a shaky breath in, "what if I don't leave?"

1177 words

Blob and a Curse [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now