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*George's pov*

He took a steady breath, sharp and deep. On the exhale it hits my face, this just feels to real, to warm and too grounded. There's no way my mind can do this, it did try and it was no way this close.

He opened his mouth, "George, I am not part of your subconscious. You didn't not make me. You are not going mad."

I stare at his lips as if waiting for him to repeat himself, I try to process his words. My subconscious would say that though, would it? Or would it force me to wake up when I realise that I figured it out.

Is that true? How do I know that isn't just me completely sinking into madness is I believe that. How do I believe that? I can't can I? It doesn't make sense.

But what do I loss if I believe it?

My sanity? My ties to the real world. Again do I even care about that anymore? Nothing is going for me. I don't feel attached so what's stopping me?

Well I have my mother, but it's obvious that she doesn't believe I can get better. She has everyone else, so if she loses one it's fine.

I have those people that found my music? but does that even count? They don't know who I am, They just found it, they like the music not me so they wouldn't care.

Then there is Clay... He's my new neighbour, I just met him so he wouldn't care to much but what could that relationship develop into. We could become friends, he seems friendly and he's beautiful. Wait. Umm... Clay looks like Dream... So could I try and pretend they are the same or would that be weird.

Wait that reminds me. What about Clay. Isn't he in my kitchen. Did I pass out in-front of him? Oh god how am I going to explain this. Has he left me alone in my kitchen and left me. Oh jeez I need to go back to fix that, "I- I... need..." I go to say noticing I hadn't said anything in a while.

But, why?

If i'm really going to give up everything to believe Dream then what does it matter what's happening out there?

"Hey, hey." Dream places both his hands on my shoulders, "just breath. I can explain more, only if you think you can handle it." There they are again. There he is again. His gentle eyes, they make me feel like I'm snuggled up to a campfire on a cold winter night. His gentle smile that makes me feel so comfortable and safe. His hands and arms, they are strong but protective, they keep me grounded. I am back here and I don't want to leave.

The outside world can wait I don't care. I have Dream back. And that is all that matters to me, "I'm here," I don't know if I'm ready but I don't want to leave, "I'll listen."

He gives a gentle nod, he goes to speak but then he looks slightly panicked, "George, you are waking up." I brings me into a soft quick hug, "I'll be here when you sleep tonight, I promise-"

*George's pov but he's awake*

"Wait!" I sit up quickly, "shit." I mutter to myself. I don't want to be here, I want to be back, I want to believe him, do I? yes. no. I don't know yet.

"George!" I look up expecting to see Dream and I do but no. It's Clay. His neon green hoodie lays comfortably over his figure. What do I know he could look differently to Dream under it, I wonder if- no what. It's Clay.

"Clay..." I only just realise I'm not in the kitchen, I'm laid on top of my bed in my bedroom, "How did I get-" No I need to know what happened from his perspective, "what happened?" I try my best to should concerned.

He steps into the room from the door frame and walks over and awkwardly stands next to my desk almost unsure if he's allowed to sit, "umm, well when you made us tea you seemed to zone out? Umm, you dropped your mug and started to fall, I managed to catch you in time but you were unconscious..." Me seems unsure how to explain, I don't envy him. For him he just wanted to say hi to his neighbour, he didn't expect me to have a brake down in-front of him. He had been looking at the ground when telling me the story, but then he looked at me. They have the same beautiful eyes... "I didn't know what to do so I carried you in here after making sure your pulse was stable. I then cleaned up the broken mug and I have just waited for you to wake up... I make sure you were okay."

He's alright. He's actions show his a nice person but this is the first time I have met him so can I trust him? I need to say something to not make him uncomfortable, "Oh, I'm sorry!" This is a bad first impression on my behalf I can't blame him for that, "I am so sorry! I swear that doesn't-" I stop myself, I don't want to lie, I need to make up for being unconscious for the majority of us meeting, "this happens every now and then, Im sorry to scare you or make you worry." Hopefully in saying that it stops him from thinking he made the wrong decision to come talk to me.

"No, no, it's okay, you can't control that. Just a bit awkward timing," he gave a nervous chuckle. He has a nice laugh even if it is out of nerves.

"Yeah bad timing..." this is bad timing, Clay why didn't you come here sooner or Dream why did you disappear, this timing of meeting two identical people but in different worlds. God I wish I could think this through but I can't. "Again sorry," I coughed to flatten my voice from waking up. I pushed my legs over the side of the bed and unsteadily stood up.

"I got you," Gentle voice and arms wrap around me, Clays hands catch my arms to help steady me, Clays voice rattles in my mind. The voice, the appearance it's all too similar.

I give a half smile, "Thanks," how can I fix this? I can't let him leave after that that would be so awkward, I need to end this hole interaction on a good note, "how about those Tesco cookies?" I give a little chuckle. I briefly look at his face which seemed to have softened, okay going in the right direction.

1131 words

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