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*George's pov*

As I reach a hand forward to turn the door knob, I left out a short yawn and go to rub my eyes. With a weak pull the door was open. I freeze and stare for a couple seconds, hand frozen mid-rub.

A tall, blond, green eyed person was standing in-front of me. He was wearing a neon green hoodie that looked to be slightly to big for him and skinny black jeans. He has a faint dust of freckles across his nose.

"Sorry is it a bad time?" He spoke gingerly, his voice was raspy but still young, even the voice is-

"Umm," I try to think of something, I pull my hand away from my face, "I umm," just answer the stupid question, "no not at all," I try to say calmly, "Do you need anything?" I ask, trying not to look into his eyes as I slowly lean onto the doorframe.

"Umm," a brief smile brushes across his face, he raises his hands one to go behind his neck and the other stretched out offering for a handshake, "I'm your new neighbour, so I wanted to say hi," I didn't know I was getting a new neighbour, "also I brought cookies, as a peace offering." he spoke with a gentle chuckle, he seemed to be nervous, his hand trembled slightly when he reached to get out a Tesco Finest packet of triple chocolate cookies from a bag that was placed on the floor close to the door. I haven't had these in ages, I remember these being my favorite flavour.

I reach a hand to take the cookies from him, finger tips brushing slightly, "no need for a peace offering you are okay," I look him in the eyes briefly, "but thank you." I give a thin lipped smile. He gave one back.

This is awkward, but my curiosity is going wild. He looks exactly like Dream... I want to keep talking to him but I don't want to seem weird or like a creepy neighbour. I need to know more, so when he went to say something I quickly spoke.

"Want a cup of tea?" I don't want to know how embarrassed I look, I could feel my face heat up, "as my peace offering?" I try to give a more genuine smile but it probably looked wrong.

When he replied, probably out of awkwardness or just the feeling of wanting to make friends with his neighbour, a simple, "yes," was his reply.

I walked away from the door frame allowing him to come in, it wasn't too messy, I don't have enough things to make a mess with. He follows in.

He can't be the same... They look exactly the same, they talk exactly the same, but the attitude is completely different... Dream was confident, calming. This guy is anxious and shy, but if he was shy wouldn't he just not introduce himself?

Why am I comparing them? One is real and the other is my imagination. But how did I get them to be so similar? Must be a coincidence, must be... I must of seen him before...

"So..." I say reaching and trying the kettle on, it already had enough water in it, "umm, lived around here long?" maybe I had gone to school, college even, with him.

"You could say that," he said with a small smile after he had sat down on a bar stall.

That doesn't really help dude... But I can't push, "Oh, what is your name?" I might recognise his name.

"Oh yeah I never said... did I?" he seemed to mutter aloud to himself, "I'm Clay," He reached out a hand again, as if to greet me again.

I reached out a hand again, "And I'm George," he didn't give a last name so I wouldn't. I didn't recognise his name so a last name wouldn't be helpful, "I'm 19, and... yeah" could this get more awkward.

"I'm... 18!" he looked up and small sparkle grew in his eyes. Okay that was adorable but still weird pacing of his wording confused me.

I just let out a little laugh. The kettle finished boiling the water, I got two mugs out the cupboard and put a tea bag in each on then pour the boiling water our the tea bags, "how much milk do you want?" I asked Clay when I was heading over to the fridge.

"Just make it how you'd normally make it, I don't mind," he spoke with a smile in his voice, I gave a small nod. His admirer confused me, he seemed innocent, innocent to the worlds way of things. But just something about him made me think he knew so much.

After waiting for the tea to brew, I took out the tea bags and put a little more then a splash of milk it, I placed a mug in front of him, "here you go, let he just get a spoon," I turned around and got a clean spoon and stirred both mine and his- wait, "what are your pronouns?"

"Oh, I go by he/him, but I'm very confortable with them/they. What about yourself?" He reached a hand out to take hold of the mug, he gave it a gentle blow before taking a small sip.

"I go with he/him." I said with a more comfortable smile but still reversed, "sorry just had to ask, didn't want to"

"No no, it's more then okay," he reached out a hand and placed it on-top of mine, his hand was nice and warm, probably from the warmth of the mug, his hand was way larger then mine, he could do so much with those hands. I realised I was  staring at his hand that was on mine for a bit too long, "oh sorry," they spoke quickly and moved their hand away quickly. It was disappointing to loose that warmth but I had my mug to fix that.

"No it's okay, I zoned out for a second," great I made this awkward again. I have no clue what to say so I just took a sip of my tea, "maybe next time I'll put a little more milk in." I spoke when examining the mug in my hands.

"So more of a fan of milky tea?" Clay looked up from his mug, just for a split second I got deja-vu, for that slept second I was taken back to the real forest where the real Dream was. I forgot how much I missed him... I want to go back there... He said he choice when to take me so why hasn't he taken me there again? Was I not good company? I know I was emotional wreck but that place made me better, I need that again... "Hey?" I need him again, "George?" Dream.... why did you leave me? "George?"

1156 words

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