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*3rd person*

Before George passed out he had opened his bedroom door and window get cool down his stuffy room, in doing this he made it so the blob could change into his human form. The blob hesitated when entering George's room but once he saw him drooling onto he desk he knew he'd be okay.

He knew the position he was in would cause him to wake up in pain so before picking him up he pulled his duvet covers over. Carefully, he scooped George up in his arms. He froze for a moment when George stirred, but after he stopped moving the blob man put he into his bed. Slowly unwrapping his arms around him, he leaned over him to grab the duvet and place it over George's petit sleeping body.

Blob let out a small exhale, he looked at George, "I'll try my best to keep you safe," he whispered in his raspy voice he gentle cupped George's face with one hand, his eyes having a longing in them but in a saddened way, a look that said he ment what he said, a look that told thousands of stories of his failed attempts to keep his owners safe, "I'll try." he says with a sad smile. At this he would have cried but having done every time he grown used to this feeling only each time it weighed even heavier on him.

He took a shaky breath in holding it for a couple seconds and then exhaling. His hand slipped off of George's smooth pale face.

He debated quickly whether he should do it tonight's in a couple days but he thought a little introduction now wouldn't hurt. So slowly and quietly, the blob man leaned down and gave a gentle kiss on George's forehead.

*George's pov*

I was sitting in a field of flowers, I could almost smell the sweet aromas illuminating from them. Oak tree hung high in the innocent sky. The sun shine brightly but not too bright to blind me.

I saw brightly coloured birds that flew overhead, singing in a muted fashion but I could almost hear they song vibrate in my ears. They were all flying in one direction, South, somehow I knew.

I didn't even really think about it, my legs just started to follow them, it felt natural and like I was ment to.

The wind blew through my hair, fresh air filled my lungs.

I reached the end of the path, the birds continued to fly on without my, I extended an arm to reach, I wanted to join them, high up in the sky, feel the wind in between my feathers. So high, in the peaceful in blissful silence and peace. But only alone briefly, almost always flying in a pair or group.

I want to feel that.

But like real life, I'm alone... very alone...

I just want to wake up, I can't, if I don't... I won't want to wake up.

My arm falls to my side, I look over the cliff side. Just on step over, I could feel how birds do of a brief blissful moment. I birds left me because I can't continue the path.

Beneath the cliffs here was lake, clear water. I freeze. I stain my eyes. But no, I could see someone there in the water. I looked at him; he looked at me.

I wanted to look at him closer, all I could make out was some blond hair and green eyes?

I wasn't alone, I smiled, I smiled at him, he smiled back at me, I moved closer, I saw his smile fall and he started running to me.

Oh, I was falling.

That's why his eyes were wide open.

He was moving ungodly fast, he would of  been able to catch me, I wanted him to, I wasn't alone, did he feel the same way?

I wasn't scared when I feel, but he was...

When I was falling I was getting closer to him. His features blurry yet clear, I felt like I knew him but I had never seen him before.

I was so close to him but just as I was about to land in his arms I woke up. Cold sweat running down my back.

*Blob pov*

I was waiting for him, I enjoyed his safe place, it reminded me of my home, my friends... my childhood home, that was deep down in the forest away from the madness of the town.

I wondered over to the lake I looked up to see a high cliff, it stood so high, it looked that you could touch the clouds from up there.

That's when I heard the birds sing, they sang arrival. The bright colours painted the sky in a magnificent dance.

Just over the cliff edge I saw a hand extend and reach up to the birds. I reach seemed desperate, a need to follow up high.

I saw him itch closer to the edge, this coursed my heart to race, maybe this meeting was too soon, he should wake up, please wake up.

My wishes where hushed when he looked down the cliff edge and looked at he, even though he was so fair I knew curiosity flickered across his.

Eyes locked onto each other, I smiled, and he smiled, it was our first time properly looking at each other, his brown eyes glistened in the shining sun. The smile seemed peaceful and like it was meant to be on his face. But then I noticed he took one to many steps to the edge.

Before he even noticed he started to fall, I started to run to him, I needed to catch him, to keep him safe, I need to keep him alive.

I was panicked, but noticed how peaceful his face was, did he step over on purpose? Either way he was still hurtling towards the ground.

I lined myself under him, he was about to be him my arms then he faded half translucent. He woke up.

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