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*3rd person*

Clay and George ate the cookies in mostly silence, awkwardness in the air but not a bad kind. Clay did leave after a few minutes of mindless conversation. Not the best 'first' interaction, either of them wanted it to end but it did end on a much better note then it could of.

George hid himself away in his room for the rest of the day, trying to create new music but all the attempts just never came out right. He regrettably looked at his published songs, they had only increased in listens.

*George's pov*

Curiosity started to eat at me and I instantly regretted looking. The listens almost doubled, how is that even possible?

This should encourage me to make more but it has put me off, well... I am happy that my music is being hard but, I wasn't expecting this many people to have found it.

Wait... I have an idea, but I'm not too sure.

If I want to make more music like my last one, then this is great, but I'll need someone else to help, with vocal... Would Clay help? No that is stupid, I only just met him.

Anyway, it's getting dark outside, that doesn't really matter much since it's still Winter but It's an excuse to sleep.

After getting up form my desk and after going into the bathroom and brushing my teeth, I changed into just an oversized hoodie and climbed under my duvet and snuggled into my pillow. That's when something soft whacked my face.

I slowly opened my eyes to see it was the blob, "Where the heck did you come," I mutter as I took it in my arms and pushing it against my chest, "night, night," I muttered as I gave it a little pet on its head and closed my eyes again.

My face slowly felt as if it was touching grass and not my soft pillow, I still had the warmth of my blankets. I smiled slightly when I felt a soft breeze hit the back of my neck.

*dream place*

Slowly, I opened my eyes, and yes I was in the place. I rolled onto my back from off my side. I gazed softly at the trees that hung high up in the sky, they were still for the most part, mainly the rustle of the leaves where from the odd squirrel or bird.

I am back, like he said, he said he'd bring me back and he did. I left myself smile more as I sat up, I looked around seeing many flowers and I think I did spot some bunnies running off behind a tree.

My smiled faded slightly when I couldn't see him in front of me but that stopped when I felt his heavy hand on my shoulder. In that motion I got up and desperately pulled him into a hug, this caused him to give a gentle chuckle.

"You're alright, I'm here, you're here, we are both here." A small smile evident in his voice, "just like I said we would be." He raised one of his hands from my lower back and gave my head a little rub before placing him arm around my shoulders, to hold me tighter.

I only let out a shaky breath, you did, is what I wanted to say, but so did you last time, I let out a quiet and dry sob, I didn't know if I should've believed you. I wanted to say but I couldn't.

I am here now, and that is all that matters, I'm here right now, in his arms, what more could I want? In the way he's holding me, the way his head is gently placed on top of mine, I can tell he's sorry about everything but it is also like he's trying to protect me from something.

I try to collect myself I don't want my voice to creak when I speak, "we are," I exhale deeply. I finally let myself smile and push myself further into him.

It's evident that there are things we both want to say something but are keeping quiet. It's better this way though, we can both move passed it and forget it happened.

After a couple minutes of nothing but us silently hugging and enjoying every second of it he pulled away, but he kept his hands on me. He slipped them up to cup my face, I tried to suppress how flustered that made he feel, but to my luck, I bet my checks redden.

He looked lovingly into my eyes, that just made me melt, it made knees want to buckle and fall to the floor but his hold on my face kept me up. He let out another soft chuckle, "So, you do music?"

I almost missed what he said, I was getting distracted by him and also my reactions to him, "Yeah," I clear my throat, pulling out of his hands, braking eye contact, and brought one of my hands to cover my face, "how did you know?" I looked back at him and quickly away.

"Well, I know certain things~" He chimed, it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand and my face redden, I looked at him my eyes slightly widened. He made he meandered his way to be standing in front of me again.

"H-" this time I actually need to clear my throat, I was getting chocked on my words, "how?"

"Well, you don't think I just magically turned up here, in your subconscious?" he looked at me with a smirk, "I found my way here, myself, but I wasn't just made here," he let out a small sigh, his smile, or should I say smirk, faded slightly, he stopped making eye contact, seemingly lost in thought, "I was made a while ago..." he muttered but I still heard it, a snap of a twig from one of the bunnies broke him out of his thoughts, "I am connected to the thing you are holding,"

I looked down, I wasn't holding anything, I looked at him with a confused face, he just rolled his eyes, but not in a mean way.

He took a step back to look at me, up and down, a smile on his face, "The thing you are snuggled up with under your cosy sheets, I can say they are quiet comfortable,"

This is where I take a small step back but I just continued to stare at his face. That-

1090 words

(sorry for not uploading in a month... sorry)

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