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He took two confident steps forward, not braking eye contact, "I'm connected to the thing you are holding, don't you think it a coincidence that when that small plush turned up so did I." He said with a smirk and hooked a figure under my chin, forcing me to look him into his eyes, his breath hitting my face.

A shiver runs down my spine, no no, I shouldn't feel this, but why that kinda-

"Come on George, think," I was thinking but not thinking what I should be, "think~" he looked down at my lips. Dream please no that isn't helping.

I take a shaky breath in, how did I end up looking at his? Never-mind that, I looked away and pulled my face away from his hand, "I... I guess that sense,"

*Dream's pov*

I know I shouldn't of done that but seeing him get all flustered was fun, I know it's counter-productive but it's fun, it has me feeling something, something I haven't in years, I can't remember what it's called.

The light blush across his flustered face as he looked away made me chuckle slightly to myself. I did want to continue but I brushed it off, by taking a step back and putting my hands behind my back, "it does make sense," George looked at me but not moving his head to look at me, just giving me the side eye, "just think..."

George must have noticed that he was starting to wake up because now he turned to me, slight panic and frustration in his eyes, and opened his mouth to say something but then his body went limp. Obviously I caught him and gently payed him down on the grass.

When he goes back he leaves me here, it's hard to explain. In a way I guess you could say I have split myself in half, but it's not that easy. I'm still connected to myself, and there are still other bits of myself around but disconnected. I can't control what the other me's are doing, but it's me so I can trust myself...

For the most part anyways. It must be over thousand years ago now, when I split so I could stay human around my owner, I had lost full connection with that part of myself, well, until the my owner died suddenly on his way home. That's when we connected again, in death, I was hole again. I could feel things that the human half had felt when experiencing life by my humans side.

I am jealous I get to do that but I don't. I'll get it all at once at the end...

I never forget them. I remember all of them, even if they were my owner for a couple seconds, I still keep them alive in my memory. I hope Hades or whoever is treating them well, they all deserve a peaceful afterlife.

I sit on the grass, head leaning against the tree behind my back, the smell of sweet flowers and the bark on the trees surround me. I have George's head resting on my lap as I'm running my fingers through his hair absentmindedly. I left my thoughts run, remembering all my past owners, remembering their story that will never die. And George.

And George is now one of them, memories of him mixing in with the others, almost like he's meeting them...

I wonder...

Do, in a way, do their souls met? In the afterlife or the little bit of their souls I hold, do they met? Are they having fun? Do they like each other?

My worries subside when I remember their smiles, they look so happy. In a way they look like they are standing together and smiling at me. Like they are able to met and this is their way of talking to me, through slight memories.

*George's pov*

I sit up quiet quickly, my mind is a little fuzzy but I quickly turn my head to the blob plush that lays on my bed. I stair at it... 'Is it true?' I find myself asking myself a couple times as I stair at it.

It did make sense, I guess. With the timing of the blob and Dream, but how was I supposed to put two and two together? I'm not mad...

Wait... That typically means he didn't leave me... He's been by my side the enter time, keeping an eye on me, making sure I'm okay.

... But if he was, wouldn't of he stopped and hugged me? To stop me from crying myself to sleep?

But did he do that? If I focus and think about it, I guess you can say I left a very light pressure of arms around me, his arms, around my shoulders holding my tight, well as tight as a pair of ghost arms can.

This is so confusing. Did he want me to think that it was him? Or what? This hole thing is confusing the shit out of me.

How does that even work? Well why am I not questioning that some random guy I have never seem before starts comforting me in my dreams and his real life look-a-like just shows up.

I get up off my bed and finally break the eye contact I had with the blob and looked away, I need answers, but do I want answers? I have so many questions, but are are they best left unanswered?

I reach up and rub my head, great, I have a headache. Still rubbing my head, I wobble into the kitchen and put the kettle on and reach to the medicine cabinet. ' Ibuprofen' the box reads, I take out a tablet and put the box back. Once the kettle is boiled, I had already gotten a mug out and a teabag.

I let out a sigh once I had finished taking the tablet and a sip of my tea, I gently put my mug down on the counter and turn my back so I'm also leaning on it. I give a lost stair off to the other side of my apartment.

1026 words

sorry for the wait

hope you are staying hydrated!

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