The End Of The Killing Game

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Shuichis pov

It all over now. The only survivors are me, maki and himiko. I was hoping kiibo would also survive but he blew himself up so we could escape. I felt so broken. I've lost so much in this life or death game.

We were about to leave when I heard a very fermillier voice.

"hey guys wait up!"

We turned around and saw kokichi and kaito standing in front of us. They looked a little shaky on their feet but other than that they were fine.

"how the hell are you alive" maki muttered in disbelief.

"that damn idiot kaito" he muttered "he just pretended to drink the antidote and when I lay down ready to be squashed...."


"hey kaito at least I wasn't boring right?"

He didn't say anything. He simply walked over and forced the antidote down my throat.

"what the hell did you do you Idiot!" I yelled.

He simply smiled "I'm not going to let anyone else die"

"Well now makis going to die is that what you want!"

"she's not going to die" he pointed to the camera "you said the mastermind has no idea what's going on. So I'm going to make it look like I killed you. The only one who's going to die is me" he patted me on the head "now go hide until the killing games over"

End of flashback

"that's right I never killed anyone" kaito gave us a thumbs up "thanks to that loophole the bear wasn't actually able to kill me. He was pretty mad so he ended up locking me and kokichi away as punishment"

"good thing the school was torn down. Overwise we wouldn't have been able to escape" kokichi chuckled.

I fell to my knees feeling overwhelmed with emotion. Maki got down and hugged me. Himiko ran over and hugged kokichi.

"I'm so glad you're ok. I don't want to lose anyone else!" she whimpered. Kokichi teared up and hugged her back.

We sat in silence till kokichi asked "hey where's kiiboy?"

I shakenly pointed to the boulder which had Kiibos remains under.

"Well what are we doing standing around!" kokichi yelled "we might be able to fix him"

My eyes widened as I turned to everyone "let's get him out!"

We worked together to move the boulder. Kokichi grabbed his head with a smile.

"his head not too badly damaged. If we can find his original creator then he can be fixed easily"

Those words filled me with a sense of hope that I haven't felt since this game started. Maybe things really will be ok.

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