Telling Shuichi

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Shuichis pov

I was sitting outside with...

"shushi shushi!" kiibo ran up to me, waving his arms wildly.

"whoe whoe slow down little one" I giggled "what are you in such a rush to tell me?"

"I hwad a dream but it wasn't rweally a dream. It was the pwast and everyone was different and swary. We sighed up for a game called dangitrompa and and and-"

"shh calm down kiibo" I petted his head gently. He whimpered softly as I cuddled into my chest "whatever happened in your dreams I can take care of. Ok?"

He nodded as he nuzzled into me. I smiled gently at him. He's discription of us joining the killing game is worryingly though. Maybe I should look into it...

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