Taking Him To The Park

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Shuichis pov

One week later

"to the pwark! to the pwark!" kiibo cheered as he ran ahead.

When I first heard that kiibo had reverted back to the mind of a three year old I felt like it was the worst news we could have possibly gotten. Now that I've gotten used to little kiibo I feel alot better about the situation. I actually think he's pretty cute!

"slow down kiibo" I yelled "I can't keep up with you"

"sworry shushi" he said as he ran back to me.

Kiibo can't really pronounced everyone's names right so he ends up giving us nicknames. He calls me shushi, kokichi is Kiki, himiko is miko, kaito is kai and maki is simply maki since her name is easy to say.

"good boy" I petted his head foldly "now take my hand and we'll walk there together"

"kay!" kiibo said brightly as he took my hand. It felt surprisingly warm for a robots hand. It's scary how human-like he is sometimes!

We arrived at the park. Thankfully the park was empty so I didn't get any weird stares for letting a grown robot play on the swings. It's not the I'm ashamed of him or anything but I always get nervous around people's stares.

I took a seat on the bench and watched kiibo run around gleefully. I couldn't help but smile. He's so cu-


I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing..


"hey shuichi come on over. We found a real nice spot in the forest"

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