Professor Ibadishi

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Shuichis pov

We drove down to professor Ibadishis house with Kiibos head on my lap. It was late at night but we didn't care! We just wanted our friend back as soon as possible.

"kai-chan are you sure you know how to drive?" kokichi asked looking sceptic.

"of course!" kaito insisted "my gramps gave me plenty of lessons"

"you mean you don't have your drivers licence?" I looked at him nervously.

"Well not technically" kaito muttered.

"we're all going to die" maki sighed.

"neah don't worry guys. I'll put a protective spell on the car" himiko said reassuringly.

"wow your so cool himiko" kokichi said excitedly, making her blush.

Thankfully we managed to get there in one piece. I ran up to the door with Kiibos head in my arms and banged on the door.

A tired looking raven haired man in a lab coat opened the door.

"what are you kids doing here at this time?" he asked as he sipped a mug of coffee.

"I'm sorry to bother you at this time sir but we need your help" I held up Kiibos head. He dropped his coffee mug in disbelief "please you need to fix him!"

He nodded with a serious expression "come right inside!"

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