Singing A Lullaby

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Shuichis pov

"kiibo where are you?" I yelled as I wandered through the professors lab. He has to be around here somewhere-


I jumped in surprise. I could hear some soft sobbing coming from underneath the table. I peaked under and there he was!


He yelped and back away nervously.

"hey easy now. I'm not going to hurt you" I said gently "I know you don't remember me but I promise we're your friends. Can you please come out?"

I held my hand out. He shook his head frantically as he hugged his teddy close.

I sighed. What can I do to get him to come out? Suddenly an idea came to mind.

I closed my eyes and started singing a lullaby that used to calm me down as a child. I always felt too embarrassed to sing in public but if it will help make kiibo feel better then I'll gladly do it!

I stopped singing once I felt a weight on my knee. I opened my eyes to see kiibo curled up with his head on my lap. I couldn't help but smile. It was the cutest thing!

I gently petted his head "good boy. Now let's take you back to the others"

baby robot (littlespace Au) (saiibo) Where stories live. Discover now