Growing Stronger

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Shuichis pov

I haven't been able to get out of my room since I learned the truth. It was difficult before when I only saw an audition from my past. Now that I know so much more I can't bear to face anyone!

"it doesn't matter if we did bad things in the past. We can work towards a bright future!"

Is what kiibo said back in the killing game. It was inspiring at the time but now it feels I don't deserve that bright future. I did so much wrong after all.

"shushi" kiibo banged on the door tearfully. My heart broke at the sight of him. My heart broke at the sound of him but I can't open the door. Someone as pure as him doesn't deserve to be tainted by-

"oi shuma!" I heard kokichi bang on the door "get out here! Your making kiibo very upset!"

"I can't come out!" I yelled back "you don't understand. I-

"found out the truth about our past? Yeah we know"

My eyes widened at his statement "you know?"

"your now the only one who knows how to use a laptop shuma" kokichi sighed.

"then how can you forgive me?" I whimpered "I did such terrible things to you!"

"cause it doesn't matter now" he said simply "you may have kidnapped me for your own sick perposes but I tormented you on a daily basis in the killing game. We're both pretty crappy people but we've been given a chance to start anew. We shouldn't be wasting it by moping around now should we!"

I smiled to myself. Trust kokichi to be so blunt about it.

I opened the door to see my friends smiling warmly at me. I ran up and hugged them.

"thanks for waiting guys"

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