I Need to Save Him!

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Shuichis pov

I typed vigorously on the computer. I was trying my damndest to find kiibo original creator but it was incredibly hard to find any info on him thanks to what little kiibo had told us.

It was late at night but I didn't care. I don't know how long kiibo has until he's unfixable. If I can't find the professor then another innocent person is going to die because of me.

"argh damnit!" I slammed my fist down in frustration.

"neah what's going on" unfortunately my small tantrum had woken the others up.

"sorry everyone. Please go back to sleep" I said feeling a little guilty. They've been through enough without me causing problems.

"come on sidekick. You need to sleep too" kaito folded his arms firmly.

"kaitos right" maki nodded "you've been pushing yourself too hard. I'll tear you out of that chair myself if I have to!"

I felt a little nervous about makis threat but I wasn't going to back down!

"I can't" I insisted "I have to find Kiibos original creator. I don't know how long he has left!"

"have you tried searching for professor Ibadishi?" I was taking aback by Kokichis question.

"who?" kaito raised an eyebrow.

"just someone I heard kiiboy mention" kokichi placed his hands behind his head "I was teasing him one day by comparing him to a toaster and he yelled something about how professor Ibadishi would have invented something far greater than a toaster"

I turned back to the computer and typed up professor Ibadishi. His address immediately popped up.

"I got it!" I jumped up and hugged kokichi "thanks kokichi"

"hehe no problem shuma" he giggled.

I turned to the others with a grin "come on everyone. Let's pay professor Ibadishi a visit!"

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