My Favourite Person!

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Shuichis pov

I was laying under the professors tree in his tiny garden resting my eyes when..

"shushi shushi!" kiibo yelled as he ran up to me. He was wearing the sweater that I bought him yesterday. He looked so cute in it that I couldn't help but smile.

"what up kiibo" I smiled gently at him. I'm pretty tired right now but I always have time for the little robot.

He had his hands behind his back looking shy "pwomise you won't waugh" he mumbled.

"of course I won't" I smiled reassuringly "I would never laugh at you kiibo"

He nodded and took his hands out from his back, revealing a card covered in glitter and stickers. In the middle was a poorly drawn picture of me.

"miko hwelped me make a cward for you to twank you for my new sweawer. Your my fwavourite person" he smiled sweetly.

I felt my cheeks turn red. I'm his favourite person? Out of everyone here he chose me?

"thank you kiibo. I'll cherish this forever" I smiled at him.

A wide smile appeared on his face at my words "twank you!" he hugged me excitedly, causing my face to turn beat red.

"n-no problem" I stuttered nervously.

"imma go twank miko now" he said as he ran off happily.

I clutch my chest. My heart was beating so fast. The only other time I felt this way was when keade was still alive. I don't understand...

What are these feelings?

baby robot (littlespace Au) (saiibo) Where stories live. Discover now