Kiibos Day Of Recovery

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Shuichis pov

"ok everyone it's time!" the professor said cheerfully with the memory chip in hand.

Today's the day. Kiibos finally going to come back to us. No more babyish babbling. He's going to be able to talk to us like a proper teenager. Sure I'm going to miss little kiibo but I'd prefer to have him as a functioning adult. Especially when I'm about to confess.

I lead a nervous looking kiibo to the laboratory and lay him down on the bed.

"shushi I'm swared" he whimpered.

"hey don't be scared baby" I gently stoked his cheek "the professor is just going to put you to sleep then your going to be all better"

He nodded nervously. I paused for a second before smiling at him.

"kiibo there's something I need to tell you-"

"shuichi my boy can this wait? I need to get started on him" the professor said politely.

"ah of course" I nodded before walking out of the laboratory.

Please let him be ok.

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