Kiibos Back (but Not Quite)

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Shuichis pov

I paced back and forth nervously. Professor Ibadishi was working on kiibo in the laboratory while me and the others waited outside.

I couldn't help but feel worried. What if he can't save him? What if its too late? What if-

"shuichi stop pacing. Your making me nervous!" maki complained.

"she's right sidekick" kaito stood up and patted my shoulder "Kiibos being taken care of now so there's no need to worry"

I nodded gratefully. Trust kaito to make me feel better.

I took a seat between kaito and maki. Ok now we wait.

*time skip*

"I'm finished!"

I jumped awake at the sound of professors Ibadishis voice. We all turned to each other with smiles and ran into the laboratory.

"hold on guys-" professor Ibadishi yelled but we payed him no mind. We were too excited to see our friend again.

It only when we entered the laboratory that we realised what the professor was trying to see. For standing in front of us was kiibo hugging a teddy with tears in his eyes...

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