Little Kiibo

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Shuichis pov

I went back to the laboratory with kiibo clinging to my arm. He looks really nervous.

I gave him a encouraging smile "don't worry kiibo. I promise everyone here is very nice. Well kokichi a little mean but I promise I'll scold him if he's nasty to you. Do you trust me?"

He nodded as he clung to my shirt. He hasn't said a word since he's been rebuilt. Is he just shy?

We walked into the laboratory. The others caught sight of kiibo and ran up to him. He let out a yelp and hid behind me.

"guys please your scaring him" I said firmly. They nodded and took a few steps back. I turned to kiibo with a reassuring smile "it's ok baby. You don't have to be afraid of them"

He nodded and took a step towards them "helwo" he mumbled into his teddy.

Everyone immediately lost their minds.

"hi kiiboy!"

"neah he's so cute"

"agreed he's very cute"

"yeah. He'd make a great little sidekick!"

"mmm" Kiibo hid his blushing face behind his teddy bear. I guess the compliments are a bit too much for him!

I chuckled and petted the boys surprisingly soft hair. It feels so good to have the six of us together like this. It feels like my world isn't really ending...

baby robot (littlespace Au) (saiibo) Where stories live. Discover now