Scared Little

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Shuichis pov

I couldn't believe what I was looking at. Kiibo. The way he's dressed and acting. It's more like he's a small child rather than a teenager!

Kiibo took one look at us and ran off crying.

"kiibo wait!" I yelled but he payed me no mind. I don't understand. Why is he scared of us?

"ahh that's what I was trying to tell you" professor Ibadishi came in "his memory clip was fried in the explosion so he's reverted back to the mindset of a toddler"

"so kiiboys a baby right now?" kokichi tilted his head in confusion.

"is that why he's scared of us" I asked worriedly.

The professor nodded "It shouldn't take me long to make a new one. Just a couple of weeks at most. You kids just need to put up with him for a while"

"sure we can do that" kaito gave him a thumbs up. The others muttered in agreement.

I didn't answer. I just stared at the ground. This whole thing is just too much to handle!

The professor came of and placed a hand on my shoulder "I know it's difficult lad. To be honest this isn't the first time this has happened" he said sadly "Kiibos memory chip has fried many times. Normally due to stress"

It fries due to stress? It's a wonder he lasted so long in the killing game!

"it's difficult watching him lose the memories he built up but it will be alright. We just have to hold out for hope" he smiled kindly.

I nodded as I walked off "I'm going to look for kiibo now!"

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