Forest Adventure

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Shuichis pov

I took Kiibos hand as we walked through the forest. Kokichis just after ringing me, saying that they found a nice spot in the forest for a picnic. It's a little last minute but a forest picnic does seem nice.

"the weaves are very prettyful" kiibo muttered at he picked up a orange leaf.

"it sure is buddy" I chuckled as I petted his head "did you know that leaves change colour depending on the season?"

"rweally" his eyes lit up in excitement.

"yep. Normally the leaves are green but in autumn they turn orange and in winter they turn brown" I explained.

"wow that's so cool!" he yelled excitedly.

"it sure is" I chuckled "now let keep moving. I'm sure the others are around here somewhere-" I was cut off by the sight of kaito and maki kissing each other.

"hey sidekick glad you could make it" kaito waved at me with a goofy grin while maki blushed madly.

"what's kai and maki doing?" kiibo stared at them curiously.

"nothing kiibo!" I quickly covered his eyes. He's too young for this!

"hey kiibo" kokichi waved his arm widely "come check this out!"

"Kiki!" kiibo ran up to Kokichi excitedly.

"check this out little buddy" kokichi grinned as he pointed to two piles of leaves "we and himiko made some leaf piles to jump in"

"you jwump in the weaves?" kiibo tilted his head in confusion.

"yeah. Watch this kid!" he took himikos hand and they both jumped in the pile together. Leaves went everywhere as himiko and kokichi lay on the floor laughing.

Kiibo clapped his hands excitedly "me next me next!" he said as he jumped into the pile. Kokichi and himiko tickled him while he laughed helplessly. I smiled at them blissfully. Their so sweet.

"ok picnics ready!" maki called.

We all sat in a circle and ate some cake that the girls made themselves. Well except for kiibo. He's unable to eat so he simply lay his head on my lap. Everything was peaceful..

"shushi I'm cold!"

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