Warm Sweater

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Shuichis pov

"kiibo where are you" I called out to my friend as I entered the laboratory. I had just endured a long day of shopping with himiko and kokichi. I was pretty tired but I had something I wanted to share with kiibo.

I heard a soft giggle come from behind the counter. I smiled to myself. Little kiibo had a habit of hiding away when I was looking for him. Something he definitely picked up from kokichi!

I snuck up to the counter where kiibo was hiding and began tickling him mercilessly.

"hehe shushi" he wrapped his arms around me happily.

"hey kiibo" I hugged him back with a gentle smile "I missed you today"

"I mwissed you too shushi" he giggled. His eyes landed on the bag I was holding "what that?"

"it's a present for you" I smiled softly "go on open it"

He nodded and excitedly took the bag out of my hands. He reached into the bag and pulled out a black and blue sweater.

"tada!" I grinned at him "now you can stay warm no matter where you are"

His eyes lit up excitedly "twank you shushi" he said as he gave me a big hug.

"no problem kiibo" I chuckled as I hugged him back "your happy smile made it all worth it"

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