Part 6

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You guys stoped at this cute coffee shop and went inside. "Hi can I please have (your coffee order)" ivy said smiling at the cashier. She kinda got a weird vibe from him but pushed it aside. "Can I please have a black coffee,small" "your total is 3.40 and a name" "Adam and what about her drink?" Adam said pointing at ivy. "I took it off don't worry pretty lady" the cashier said looking at ivy. "Um ok"

As they were walking away to wait for there drinks ivy said, "that guy,he was scary" "I know,if he tries anything else I swear,I hate guys like that" "I can tell" ivy said playing with Adam's fingers. "Order for Adam" ivy and Adam walked to get there drinks. When ivy grabbed her drink she saw some numbers on her lid she took a Better look and saw it said,

Call me ;)

Adam saw and said in a whispered voice, "Jesus Christ". Then he turned to the cashier who's as giving an older woman her drink. "Hey,can she have another lid? It's a small" "it doesn't  look like she wants another lid" "she does believe me" "I'm not giving you guys one"
"Can I have another lid" ivy then said. "Why?" "Well you see this creep but their number on my lid,give me another one" "sorry no can do"

Adam took off his lid and swapped it with ivy's. "Well that was easy" Adam said looking at the cashier. "You guys aren't even dating" "says who" ivy said grabbing his hand and walking out of the coffee shop. Ivy and Adam were still holding hands while walking to the car,but they had to let go to get in the car.

"I hate guys" ivy said when a dam started driving. "Excuse me" "sorry I just ugh" "no it's fine I hate them too" ivy laughed at his remark.

At the restaurant place

"Hey sorry we're late,people suck at driving" Ivy said sitting down next to Dean,Adam sat right next to her. "Yeah" Adam said agreeing with Ivy. "Alright now that we are all here,we are going to discuss the traveling,now I don't want you guys to say a word just let me talk." Bombay said looking at the team.

"Tomorrow,at 7:30 is our flight,to LA." (I THINK THATS WHERE THE GOODWILL GAMES WERE) "what time do we have to get there?" Ivy said. "Again don't talk. But we will get there at 6:15. Which means you will wake up at 5:30,or earlier,The plane leaves at 8:15. For the new kids,either you can ask me for a ride,ask one of your teammates,mr tibbles for a taxi,I don't care just be there at 6:15." He kept babbling about the trip and stuff. Ivy kew what she needed tho,what time to wake up at,time the plane leaves,and to be there 2 hours before.

"You need a ride?" She turned to Adam,oh boy were they close. "Um yeah sure" "alright,my mom's driving me so we'll come pick you up around 5:50" "sounds like a plan,will your mom be ok with me being a girl?" "She doesn't care dummy" "alright"

After eating Julie and ivy went up to Connie and asked, "can you drive us back to the hotel?" "Sure,I'll drop guy off first it's on the way to the hotel,guy! There coming with us!" Connie said pointing to Julie and Connie. Guy nodded and went back to talking to Luis.

Ivy,Connie,guy,and Julie were all walking to connie's car. "Guy,my man,sorry for interrupting your "making out time" with Connie." Ivy said talking in a low voice. "Oh whatever" guy said rolling his eyes. When you guys got in the car Connie asked pulling out CDs, "alrighty what do you guys wanna listen to? I have Nirvana,Queen,Tears For Fears,Red Hot Chili Peppers,The beetles,and The Doors,I left my other ones at home." "Nirvana?" Ivy said,Julie and Guy nodded. "Okkkkk,there you go" Smells like teen spirit came on. "I love this song!" Ivy and Julie said at the same time.

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