Shattered Pieces

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Brutal murder

Vermont's POV

I wandered around the forest so incredibly lost and yelled out wanting somebody to respond to me. When nobody responded I screamed and started running like somebody was chasing me. I regretted going on the walk then getting lost, I tripped face planting on the ground, I landed with an oof sound and I soon got up and stood up and started walking again, I was embarrassed about the fall even nobody saw. I grumbled a bit and looked at my surroundings, it was probably trees for miles on end and dangers probably overpopulated it too, I scared myself thinking about that.

Soon enough I started running again and it felt like was wasn't even going anywhere from how big this forest was. When I felt like I was going nowhere I stopped to catch my breath and after a good give minutes, I took a huge deep breath in and screamed for as long as I could, I repeated this a few times. After I did that at least a good five times I started running at full speed wanting to get to the end of the forest, but failed, miserable to get even close to the end of this miles and miles of just trees!

I stopped to catch my breath and groaned very loudly then I heard footsteps behind me. "PERSON!" I screamed then realized who that was and started bolting away from Spanish Empire. Disappointing enough, I had been caught by him and he slammed me down to the ground and I screamed and flailed my limbs around like a toddler throwing a hissy fit about a toy. I heard a groan of annoyance from him and he stomped on my back hard and I screamed again and flailed my arms around again. "STOP!" He screamed at me and I flinched a little.

Once he had had enough of me he took whatever he had in hand and smashed my head in with in and everything immediately went pitch black.

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