Chapter 1 : The Shine!!!!

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     On the streets of Brook avenue; there lives Rodrick a sad loner that  loves the world  of Art .He would spend hours upon hours of drawing and when his mother consults help for his condition the psychiatrist would bail in the process. The family was poor and nothing much was there for him and his family so he would often think of suicide. At school Rodrick never participated in class and do little to no work. The reports were bad and his parents scolded him. When summer or Christmas came the family would go out with what little they had .Rodrick stayed home to have alone time to draw, BUT LET'S PAST HIS CIRCUMSTANCES AND GO TO THE PRESENT.

     Rodrick lived in a family of 8 persons .His mother, father, little twin sisters ,his big brother , Aunty and her son. The morning was full of excitement ,as it was the first day of school .Rodrick and his big brother went to the same high school so they would walk together, THEY WALKED MILES UPON MILES ,because of financial issues. Rodrick shoved his hoody over his head ,as he walked past everyone in the hall with a  solitary look. Rodrick had one, and only one other fascination and that was Elena .He liked that girl since kindergarten, that he repeated 2 times ,so basically she was in her last year while he  was just stepping in his last year in junior high. He walked swiftly towards the classes door frame and into the class as he shoved pass his classmates and pulled out her chair .''ELENA , PLEASE, SIT!!''

    Elena seated herself and smiled back to him. ''Don't you have class Rodrick?'' She replied. Alvarez, his bully who dated Elena, shoved him in the wall and shouted, ''Piece of shit ,go to your class,'' and spat in his face scornfully. Rodrick had to tolerate that bastard ,since Elementary school. He turned and walked away and out of the class as a tear drove down his left cheek. He suddenly heard the first bell and went to his class. The students that came with him from seventh grade knew how many times he had repeated and scorned him .Rodrick would just sit there and start to draw before the teacher entered the classroom. Rodrick's first class of the day was literature ,so he took out his book as the teacher, Ms. Walters entered the class. ''OKAY,STUDENTS ,ITS THE FIRST DAY OF LITERATURE IN NINETH GRADE,SO LET'S HEAD TO THE LIBRARY''. She said. The student's was instructed to head up to the library and read a book for 30 minutes. Then they would use the next half an hour to analyze the books.

    Rodrick went upstairs and into the cool fresh smelling library, that was the only place in the school that he got to relax and draw. So the library was his favorite place to hang. He saw Elena and Alvarez at the circulation desk. He  walked towards the book shelf then he smelt something smoky .He wondered what it was as he began to walk around trying to find the location of the scent. Alvarez crushed up a paper and threw at the garbage bin, As Rodrick eyes fixated on the paper dashing across the library. In that moment he looked at Alvarez abrasively and bent down to pick up the paper. Alvarez and Elena held hands as they walked towards him. A bright light rose from the bin as Rodrick stood up. Realizing the shine, he looked in the bin seeing a burned  book ,full of hieroglyphics .He wondered where it could have came from as he took it up and skipped the pages suspiciously. By that time Alvarez and Elena walked slowly pass him at a meters distant as a flash off bright light shined and the three students disappeared on spot. The book engulfed into flames as it blasted through the ceiling and into the sky .     

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