Chapter14: Emblem Of Hope!

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''Unluckily Tsai Quo has perished along with the titan, A present or former god should refrain from using god level attacks, because when they use it they don't know if there bodies can tolerate the pressure and can damage or kill themselves. So my estimation is that Tsai Quo and his titan and Magna was incinerated during the blasts collision.'' Lila ended. Suddenly Mars and her coven appeared. ''IMPRESSIVE!'' Mars said. ''You weaklings survived the blast, but can you survive my deadly spells?'' OH NO!'' The group shouted and stood up readily for battle.

   ''Such desperate underlings.'' Mars said. ''You have my respect for escaping that Bomb on foot, but all of that is useless news now because you all die here.'' Why would you want to kill us when we're weak Mars. Why not wait until we're stronger from training?'' Lila asked. ''A fairy, how delightful. Why not surrender to be my slave?'' Mars said. Lila stepped back and frowned at Mars in fear. ''GET! US! OUT!'' Rodrick shouted. Rodrick and the others was conscious again and tried to find a way out of the mirror dimension. ''I still can't believe we're in the mirror dimension.'' Shesia said. They were all in a room full of mirrors. There were mirror on the floor, over their heads and on the left & right of the room. They tried freezing, breaking, scraping and burning it. No matter what they did it only made them flapped and fatigue after some time. ''I think we should calm down and carefully examine the mirrors in the room.''Lucas said. They all took his advise and sat on the cold mirror floor. ''Okay, if we carefully look at the mirrors we can see that they reflect everything all at once. Now that I see the reflections of us in each mirror I realize each reflection as something that is of little interest to us when searching.Like the first one coming from the left corner. It's clearly reflecting everything in the room, but something is missing about it.'' Lucas added. ''There is no reflection of Alexia's lipstick in the reflected image, as such that one is not a real mirror.'' He ended. ''Which means we must find all the Fake mirrors and destroy them then the last one should be the portal to escape this dimension.'' Alexia boasted. Lucas looked at Alexia with a unclear face and shook his head. ''But then we have to have the right amount of magic to break the glass.'' Mia said. ''That's true, because I know by now the real glass must have got some damageable hits from us all.'' Xavier said. 

        ''Wow, Lucas you and Alexia have really good intelligence.'' Rodrick said. ''Thank you.'' They both said with a smile on their faces. ''Then let's break out of this stupid prison.'' Xavier said. ''As I said we must break the ones that we see without reflections of small details on our body.'' But why didn't those weak ones break already?'' Iesha asked.  ''Same thing I'm thinking.'' Shesia said and rubbed her forehead looking confused. ''It must be our weak source of magic individually isn't making the weaker ones break.'' Alexia added. ''No, that can't be it, probably we need to find the weakest ones to the strongest in descending order.'' She ended. ''I AGREE!'' They all shouted. ''That's going to be hard.'' Moo-Boo said. ''Indeed.'' Malcolm ended. ''Of course it will be hard, if we don't know anything about glasses.'' Lucas said. They all thought hardly about how to tell the weaker ones for two minutes. Then Shesia came up with an idea. ''Guys we need the person with a mid-level magic to take on this task that I have came up with.'' Shesia said and stared at each of the persons in the room carefully. ''This is the time in which our brain and magical powers will collide.'' She ended. ''What is your plan Shesia?'' Lucas asked. ''Can't you just trust in her?'' Rodrick said to Lucas and stood up. ''I'll be the one to do it.'' He said. ''No I am!'' Xavier said. ''Please, I'm not the strongest but you all know I'm not weak either, so I'll escort you.'' Mia said. ''Now we all know I'm at middle strength.'' Moo-Boo said. 

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