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     ''That bastard is gonna pay for what he did back at the Encursed empire

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     ''That bastard is gonna pay for what he did back at the Encursed empire.'' Alvarez said. ''Wait for me Rodrick!'' Alvarez was in the city with his army that he formed after defeating Mona back in the Encursed empire. The guards ran around the city searching for the team members that vanished in the portals. Paris and the others finally reached the  point that the whole team previously gathered. They passed screaming people scattering about and ruined buildings and thousands of corpse lying on the ground. ''What the hell happened while we fled?'' Paris asked. ''It must have been some terrible occurrence!'' Lila said, as she covered her nose from the smoky city. ''Where is everyone?'' Alana asked. ''Earlier on I felt a little tremor in the air as I ran it must have been a bomb, whosoever did this must have been powerful!'' Lila said. ''Let's try and find them individually.'' Paris said. ''No it's too risky, we'd be better off if we stick together, for we don't know what happened.'' Lila said. ''I agree let's try and find them one by one if it's that it takes.'' Alana said in agreement. ''Okay let's go!'' Lila shouted. They flew across the city and searched for there  team members. As they flew across the city they saw a huge dragon flying over head. It blasted a gigantic breath of  blue fire after them. The blast levelled the area completely. ''What?'' How are you doing that?'' Paris asked. ''It's lucky I arrived in time.'' Rodrick said, as his fiery wings flapped off his back. ''The fire isn't affecting us.'' Lila said. ''Like I'd make you die.'' Rodrick said. Lila sighed in relief. ''The blue fire isn't affecting you because that boy is a God breed. A person that has the power of all magical beings.'' They saw a red suit old man with a dog standing in the air. ''Who are you?'' Paris asked. ''Hi my name is Malcolm and this doggy here is woo boo, my pet.'' And I am a fire fairy.''

   ''Hey what the hell are you doing up there dad?'' A voice said. They all looked down and saw A white blonde and a puffy haired mixed skinned girl. ''Please, excuse my insolent daughters." Malcolm said.  ''The dark one is Iesha a Vampire, werewolf hybrid and the blonde one is Alexia a witch, and the most skilled one in all of Flavrunian Districts.'' What do you want with us old man?'' Paris asked. Malcolm then snapped his finger and the fire from the area they all resided vanished. ''WHAT?'' Rodrick said. ''You must be a fire wizard.'' Nope I'm a fairy.'' Malcolm said, as they floated towards the ground where Iesha and Alexia stood. ''Hey dad, why are you talking with these strangers?'' Iesha asked. ''Come on girls, I want to join up with these ruffians.'' 

  ''Hey now, who said you were joining our team'' Rodrick said. Paris slapped him in his head and said, ''SHUT UP!''  We would love you guys to join our crew.'' Like you had much of a choice.'' Alexia said. ''Elena I have a strong feeling that we are amongst the right person.'' Paris said to herself. ''Why are you talking to youself?'' Alexia asked. Paris shape shifted into Elena's half. ''You see, we were merged using a sacred fairy ritual, by Vistusius.'' So do you guys like the merge?'' Alexia asked. ''We are only doing what we can, it's the only way to stay alive.'' How unfortunate.'' Iesha said. ''What if I can separate your bodies and let your two souls split in halves in each of your bodies.'' Alexia said. ''We wouldn't say that, we don't see that as possible, only the fairy empire uses such sacred and powerful magical logics.'' They both shouted. ''Witches have their own sacred rituals too, but the thing is that this ritual involves powerful black magic spells, which takes up to twelve hours. Also you should know that black magic takes something precious away from you in return for its reliability.'' Alexia said.  '' So do you guys consent for this ritual?'' Iesha said. ''OF COURSE NOT, DO YOU GUYS THINK WE ARE IDIOTS!" They shouted. '' But you both look frustrated from this merge thing, why don't you take a minute to think how much better it would be for both of you, remember your bodies would separate but your souls each would split in half and the other persons half in your body, which means you have two half spirits within your bodies which ultimately counts as a whole, not to forget that you will have double life, with additional magical powers from the other person.'' Malcolm said.  ''But apart of you would be gone forever, whether you like it or not.'' Lila said, as she learned the new way of the Witch clan. ''What's the dogs deal?'' Rodrick asked. ''Well hello son.'' The dog greeted. ''WHAT?'' DID THAT DOG JUST TALK?'' Rodrick asked stunned. ''Of course I can talk, can't you talk silly boy?'' The dog replied. ''The name's Woo-Boo the brain dog.'' Are you freaking kidding me right now?'' Alana freaked. ''That dog happens to be the wizard of intelligence.'' Malcolm said. 

Fairy Dairy: Book 1-(Magic Void)Where stories live. Discover now