CHAPTER 4: ''Towards a path of darkness!''

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     ''Guys what the hell is going on?'' Elena asked. ''I did what is beneficial for us to escape this mirage world.'' Alvarez said. ''Its either we think fast or die.''  ''Are you fucking mad!'' Rodrick shouted as he bit down on his lips and breathed heavily in temper. ''You killed a human.'' ''That was quick thinking my friend.'' Alvarez ended. ''I don't think that the dragon did that to Tommy.'' Shesia said as she glowed with blue light lining the ends of her skin. She held out her hands and extracted the liquid from the trees as they shrivel and froze the water into pointed ice spikes. ''What are you going to do with that?'' Rodrick said, as he held out his hands as if he wanted to block her way. '' This monster hurt my best friend!'' Shesia shouted. ''Since we appeared in this hellish world we only had each other and had to live as one, and if someone hurts him then that person talks to me!'' She cried. Elena walked up to Shesia and blew away her icy spikes using her air magic. ''Please let's think about this and not jump to any conclusions, as Alvarez haven't spoken yet.'' Elena said as she stared at Alvarez in shame. Alvarez looked at her back directly as he smiled without regrets. ''There is nothing to explain more than that the foolish nerd got in my way so I killed him.'' Alvarez said. 

                  Shesia became furious and ran up to Alvarez with one of the sword that was used to kill the dragon. ''SHIT BAG!'' Shesia shouted. Rodrick wrapped his hands around her waist and twisted his feet around her leg as she became stationary and irritated. ''As the situation is now and how great his power is right now it's better to let him go off without us.'' Rodrick said as he slowly released her. ''Plus isn't Tommy's health state supposed to be the top priority right now?'' Rodrick added. She ran towards Tommy and held up his head and shined a small flashlight into his eyes. ''Oh no!'' Shesia said in regrets . ''We can only get help from that place. ''And where might that place be?'' Rodrick asked. ''That's the Flavrunian districts!'' Ciara said as she jogged out of the forest. ''Guys you saved me a little while ago, so I owe you , so just go on to Flavrunian district without me.'' Ciara said. ''What?'' Rodrick said as he looked at Ciara in surprise. ''So you think I have no pride.''I mean how could I leave a female to fight alone?'' Rodrick said, as he smiled at Ciara. Shesia and Elena picked up Tommy's unconscious body and ran off.

                 ''I'm a witch stupid boy.'' Ciara said. ''I care not of what power or abilities you have.'' Rodrick said as he held the two swords that was used in the group from previous battles. ''Look, little nerd boy just let a witch do her job, all you would do is slow me down''. Ciara insulted. ''Tell me when you weaklings are going to let me pass'', Alvarez chuckled as he looked at his hands gashing up endlessly. Ciara stared at Alvarez and started to chant. ''Oh no!'' Rodrick said as he got ready to attack head on. ''What is she going to do?'' Rodrick said, as he stared at her in wary. She trapped Alvarez in a squared halo graphic prison and shrink it slowly making him scream in pain. ''I wonder if that is enough to take him down, he should be defenseless against a spell like that.'' Rodrick asked Ciara, as he gulped and blinked. ''Of course not you idiot go, it is your chance to make a move. She said. Rodrick ran up to Alvarez to cut him down, suddenly Alvarez broke the spell and sent a massive lightning explosion across the forest. Ciara and Rodrick was sent flying as the stream caught up to them and shocked out their brains. They were knocked unconscious  as he laughed and walked pass them towards his own business.

          As for the others. They stopped at a large tree. ''Is this our destination?'' Elena asked as they laid Tommy down to lean on the large tree bark. ''Yes this our home.'' Shesia said, as she smiled and sighed. ''We have been living here for 5 years since we appeared in Fairy Dairy and it was hard to set up.''  ''Umm Shesia I don't seem to get what you're talking about''. Elena said as she looked up to see what she was talking about. ''Oh yeah, I forgot to release the spell, We received a camouflage potion from some allies at Flavrunian district so its transparent.''Shesia said. She then made a sign and release the spell. Slowly Elena saw a huge tree house becoming apparent before her. It was made from large, tall bamboos with animal skin on the canopy and the sides was polished with blood. ''Not really what I imagined.'' Elena said as she used her air magic to boost her up to the tree house level. ''I'm starving! We should eat.'' ,Shesia said as she held up Tommy and used her water magic to create a staircase. ''Really handy magic you got there Shesia''. Elena complimented, as she opened the door made from the sapwood of a tree.

      Tommy coughed and regained consciousness as they entered a room full of logs from mahogany wood, two cotton made cushions and sheets made from the skin of various slain creatures. Elena looked to the other end of the room where she saw  a counter made from also mahogany wood polished in blood. On the counter was a can with Charcoal in it, and two large flint stones. Next to that was a large pig-like creature that was frozen cubed. On the other end was a wooden jug of water that had mosquito lavas in it. To the center of the counter was two Extremely thin mahogany wooden plates and mahogany wooden forks and cups and various other living items made from the mahogany wood. ''Wow Shesia, you know your stuffs friend, how magnificent of a carver and sculptor are you.'' ''At-least you know who get the things done around here.'' Shesia replied. ''I mainly hunt and watch out so........'' Tommy said in a jealous manner. ''Anyways where is Rodrick and the others and what are we doing here now?'' Tommy said. ''Rodrick and Ciara tried to knock some sense of humanity back into that fool''. Shesia replied as she used the two stones to light the charcoal and used her water magic to thaw the pig-like creature. ''We will eat then tend to that later.'' Shesia ordered, as she used her water magic to heal his wounds and wrapped it with cotton and tape. ''I do not know why Alvarez is suddenly acting so strange since he got that power.'' Elena said sorrowfully. ''Your friend has killed for power, not from defense, thus he have awakened negativity throughout his magic and if he doesn't repent for his sin he will open his soul to darkness and will forever stray away on that dark path''. Tommy said, as he sat on a log.  ''Oh no , you mean darkness will take over his body?'' Elena asked worriedly. 

     ''Yes El that is exactly what he's saying.'' Shesia said , ''The only reason Tommy is standing is because he is a blue blooded mammal''. She ended. The history of blue blood is still a mystery, but the only thing that is known of it's origins is that people that got those gifts after appearing in Fairy Dairy has abilities to heal from any wound, except wound to the heart or brain and severed headed. ''So this Flavrunian District where and what is it?'' Elena asked.  ''LET Me!'' Tommy shouted. ''You may.'' Shesia permitted. ''The Flavrunian Districts is the place where all kinds of species in Fairy Dairy has united into a single magical society, they have one aim and destiny, and that is to destroy the Fairy Dairy and escape from the book.'' Tommy informed. ''But to do that we need to find the creator of the Dairy and his assistances, which is the fairy god's that he created and defeat them all.'' Shesia interrupted as she gave Elena and Tommy a piece of roasted meat on a wooden plate. '' Every techniques and survival instincts we developed was taught to us by a grand wizard by the name of Tsai Quo, a mage that mastered all the concepts of earth magic and even learned multiple forms of magic from all the empires.'' Shesia said as she bit down on the roasted meat cravingly.''We met him when he saved us from Hydra four years ago, and he took us to the Flavrunian Districts to form alliance amongst other power users.'' Tommy boasted. ''We left, because of some corruption taking place in their inner circle.''

   ''So why are we going to that place?'' Elena asked. ''We are going back to recruit others on our team, by starting a riot throughout the nation.'' Tommy said, as he frowned and looked elsewhere. ''Aren't those people strong and, suppose we get caught.'' Elena asked. ''Don't worry, we have  inside help from two big representatives of the communities; Plus a major powerhouse Tsai Quo is in on it.'' Shesia said. ''He was against the corrupt society from scratch.'' Shesia said. Suddenly they heard the voice of some injured persons. When they checked it out they saw Rodrick and Ciara helping each other to walk in pain and bruises. ''Alvarez is going to the encursed empire to form a deadly alliance.'' Rodrick said, as he slowly fell unconscious and dropped in the snowy grasses.


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