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  ''Your friend Tommy, was killed by me a two years ago, I used my dragon form to eat him and take his form

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  ''Your friend Tommy, was killed by me a two years ago, I used my dragon form to eat him and take his form. I tricked all of you by acting like Tommy for 2 years, I am Magna, Prince of the Dragon Kingdom and the son of Venus , the god of comets.'' Tommy said. ''This isn't true, this is madness, what the fuck is happening!'' Shesia shouted, as she saw thousands of damaged buildings, dead bodies and fire all around her. Capricorn and Melan walked up beside the smoke screen as they laughed. ''I am working with Tommy, he's a spy!'' Melan said. Capricorn glared at Mia as a huge uproar was about to start. ''THIS IS HELL!'' Shesia shouted as she cried in trauma and ran up to Tommy with a large ice sword. ''You Demon!'' She shouted.



                ''Everthing and everyone burns and you still can't recognize that it was all a trick!'' Tommy said. Shesia ran up to him with a icy sword, ready to kill him. ''AH! AH! ,such a naive brat!'' Melan said. ''Melan what are you plotting?'' Mia said. ''What I am plotting, little girl I have nothing to say to a bunch of wannabes, you all will die here starting with you Mia." Melan said. ''You owe me millions, Melan, you that oweth great debts to me must not talk so informal to a queen like me. I am the one  who helped this wretched nation hundreds of time, by lending you millions of dollars.'' Mia said.

Capricorn: ''Done with the talk woman, I'm Capricorn the hired assassin that have orders from Melan to eliminate you right here and now.''

Mia: ''As usual Melan, you coward out and let some weakling come to do your dirty jobs.''

Melan: ''It's just that you are not worth fighting. I don't want my shirt to get bloody by some random insect.''

Capricorn: ''In return, by killing you I will get to murder Tsai Quo.''

Tsai Quo: ''So you think that, after twenty years of imprisonment you stand a chance brat!''

Capricorn: ''In the flesh! Tsai Quo the rock wizard, a previous God, you beat me and took my position Tsai Quo, why would you be staying here, in this junk of a kingddom. Unless you were defeated.''

Tsai Quo: ''Capricorn, I will not forgive you for what you just said. Wait on me yo bastard I am going to make quick work of Magna.

   Tsai Quo used his rock binding spell to freeze Shesia on the spot. ''Shesia, do not rush in like that you might get killed.'' So what am I supposed to do?'' Make that murderer get away for killing Tommy?'' You and I both know that you don't stand a chance.'' Tsai Quo said, as he walked up to the smoke screen. He stepped over various burned corpse as he walked up towards Tommy, which is now Manga.  ''Your friend Tommy, was killed by me a two years ago, I used my dragon form to eat him and take his form. I tricked all of you by acting like Tommy for 2 years, I am Magna, Prince of the Dragon Kingdom and the son of Venus , the god of comets.'' Shesia thought as she kept remembering those poisonous words and cried out in trauma. ''I understand that you are the son of Venus, the god of comets. What brought you here and why are you spying on us.'' Tsai Quo said, in a deep tone and held out his hands like he is about to push something. ''My, my Tsai Quo, the one that lost to my father. Two hundred years have went by , how are you still alive, old geezer?'' I asked the questions first Magna!'' Tsai Quo shouted. 

   ''I was banished from my kingdom after killing my mother at the age of fifteen. I lived refuging, hungry as a lonely little dragon. Until I was granted power from Mars, I was working for that Goddess for a decade and killed thousands of people and wiped out villages. I saw that boy Tommy while I was hungry flying around two years ago and snacked on him. From there on I was granted with the power of shapeshifting into him. Shesia never recognised it was me and I decided to use it at my advantage. I folllowed you all for two years and during the previous events to cause an uproar in this capital I just went ahead and started working with Melan and the kingdom as I saw fit.'' The guards in the kingdom know all about your plans already, you guys are all doomed!'' Oh No!'' Tsai Quo shouted. A huge army of guards surrounded the team, as well as various people from the town. They all looked at them and laughed. ''We are surrounded!'' Rafael said. ''This is bad, we are totally fucked right now, better we call it quits.'' Duncan said. ''It's all over low lifes!'' Tommy/Magna said. The smoke finally cleared. They all saw a blonde scar faced wicked man with a jean pant and a unbuttoned shirt. Shesia shouted out. ''Let me go!'' She burst out of the rock spell and ran up to Magna. ''Shesai!'' Tsai Quo shouted. Magna used his hand and held her throat and choked her. ''YOU BASTARD!'' Shesia said, as she suffocated.  ''MADAMU, STENKI, UMBODINA, OZIKI!'' Tsai Quo chanted. A huge layer of rocks rised from the ground and collided into Magna's back. ''AAAAAAHHHHHHH!'' He shouted and released Shesia from the grip of his hands. Shesia coughed loudly as she regained oxygen. 

         ''KILL THEM!'' Magna shouted. The guards and followers charged towards them. ''GIANT PORTAL, DIMENSIONS HOLE!'' Ciara shouted. A huge portal appeared before each one of them. ''Enter the breach!'' Ciara shouted. They all ran into the portal as it decreased in size. ''Tsai Quo! let's go!'' Ciara said. ''I will deal with this clown first go on!'' But......., I said go!'' Tsai Quo shouted. Ciara ran into the breach and all the portals disappeared. The team was individually separated at different areas of the town. ''I am going to end you right here kid!'' Tsai Quo said, as he walked up to Magna. Suddenly he started to engulf in blue flames. ''You think you stand a chance old man, I will show you my real power. His bonesteared out of his back and his skin turned dark blue. A huge wing appeared on his back as his body grew and tuned like that of a reptile. ''My dragon form!'' He shouted. ''The dragon prince, Magna of  the blue flames!'' He shouted, as a huge whirl wind shook the city, destroying nearby buildings and blowing away people and objects. Capricorn jumped on the dragon's back and they flew off. ''We will kill Mia first!'' OH NO!'' Tsai Quo shouted. He ran off behind them. ''You'll never catch us old man!'' They said, and laughed.  Meanwhile the people who previously celebrated screamed in trauma and scattered across the ruined city. Thirty minutes passed and by now their was chaos everwhere in the city. ''Do you really have to do this?'' Elena asked her other half. ''No!'' It's just that I wanted to see other parts of the world and if I don't take this chance to escape you might want to try and return to the fairy empire. '' Paris said. ''Why would I want to do that?'' Elena said. ''I don't know, probably you want to be separated back from me.'' Look Paris none of us asked for any of this, can't you see? I am only alive, because Vistusius knew that the two of us had some kind of potential bond. Can't you see? If we work together we can become unstoppable. Let's be powerful together and go see the world, with these new friend's we've got back at the Ports.''

    Paris told Alana to turn back. ''Paris, this is our chance, we can see the world together, why are you turning back now?'' I am not turning back, dont we have enough time for many adventures?'' Paris asked. ''Let's join these idiots group and journey the world together.'' They picked up Lila whom they had outrun and flew back to the others.  ''Let's show these weaklings just how deadly we are.'' Capricorn said as he flew on Magna's scaled back across the city. 

    Suddenly Alvarez broke through the city walls with his Army of Encursed beasts. ''WHERE IS RODRICK!'' Mars was heading straight to Favrunian districts with thirty thousand men to hunt down and kill Alvarez, Rodrick, Elena and Lila.




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