Chapter 5: Flavrunian Districts (Lila The Light fairy)

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                                                                         Flavrunian Districts

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                                                                         Flavrunian Districts

  ''How did you two get here?'' Tommy asked. ''The snow dumb dumb.'' Shesia said, and slapped him in the head. The snow had trails of the three persons footstep. After explaining everything to Ciara and Rodrick of what they told Elena they all agreed to form roles amongst themselves, except Elena.'' I don't feel okay with anything about this guys!'' She said. ''Alvarez needs my help to guide him back to the right path''. ''You don't understand Elena, he's completely lost it and we have to deal with the current situation.'' Rodrick said. ''No, I have no reason to stay here, it's not like the plan will completely fail without me, isn't this plan originally meant to be carried out only by Shesia and Tommy alone?'' Elena shouted. ''BUT!'', ''Look Rodrick do whatever you feel like I have something to tell Alvarez before he goes off to that place so just leave me be."

         ''Then I'm coming along !'' Rodrick shouted. '' I will protect you along the way in case something goes wrong.''I never asked y.....''Guy's you can do your thing, as long as we all meet back at Flavrunian district in forty-eight hours.'' Shesia said. She gave Rodrick a map and food supply's in a sack. ''Okay, we meet back in forty eight hours.'' Rodrick said, as Elena walked off  and carried two  knives and two sets of arrow and bows on their back, and two swords each all divided among  the two. ''Now let's get going with our plan guys.'' Shesia said. ''We all are given roles to do in this mission, and those roles are to be strictly followed as it is the keys for getting out alive''. She said. ''But what about communication?'' Tommy asked. ''During our arrival for the first three hours I will deal with that.'' Ciara responded. ''My primary role is to do what again?'' Tommy asked. ''AGAIN YOU ARE ONLY REQUIRED TO FIND TSAI QUO GEEK!'' Shesia shouted. ''Abfunothisuz!'' Ciara chanted, as a portal opened in the middle of the room. 

''Impressive miss red.'' Shesia applauded. ''This spell takes a lot out of me so please, spare me five minutes when we step in the city.'' Ciara said, panting and bending out of balance. Tommy caught her and took up their gadgets to step in the portal. Tommy looked at the portal in fear and wondered if it would lead him to the wrong place. Shesia pushed him in the portal and stepped in too. Then the portal as well as the tree house vanished into thin air. In the mean time Rodrick and Elena walked along the snows in the forest and metered each other. ''Why did you decide to follow me Rodrick.'' Elena asked as she rubbed her shoulders using her palms to give off more warmth for her body. ''As I said, I don't want anything to harm you on your journey.'' 

''That cannot be the only reason.'' She said. ''Well..............'' Rodrick replied. Then they heard a singing coming from far away. ''What is that humming coming from?'' Rodrick asked. ''It must be some magical beast ready to tear our body's apart.Elena replied. Then they both ran off looking for the voice. ''MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!'' They heard. ''MAAAA,MOOOOOOO,MMMMM,MAAAAAAAA,MOOOOOOOWWWW!.'' They continuously heard that strange humming for miles upon miles  and trying to find the source of that noise. They ran out of energy and sat in the middle of the snowy forest. ''Are you looking for me?'' They turned around and saw a child fairy floating and glowing in purple. ''What the hell are you.'' Rodrick said, as he held Elena closely behind him. ''My name is Lila a fairy that helps close civilians of a good nature.'' The girl said. ''I have no reason to believe you want to help us, so shoo and go back where you're coming from.'' Rodrick shouted. Lila burst into tears and started crying, as thousands of purple glitter fell to the ground and floated around in the air. Elena pushed Rodrick out of the way and said, ''Is that anyway to treat a child?'' Elena held Lila by the hands and walked away with her. Rodrick stared at them as if he had no idea of what he did wrong at that moment.

           The others successfully appeared in the city of Flavrunian where they saw many castles and old walls with pointed tops. ''Ok, guys I'm going to try and find our insiders.'' Tommy stayed there with Ciara until she felt better. ''Do you feel better now Ciara?'' Tommy asked as he helped her up. ''Don't touch me!'' Ciara shouted. The busy street people  stared at her for a second and continued on. Tommy thought that if he could help Ciara occasionally she would come around, but that failed epically. Ciara walked away in anger towards her destination. Ciara saw a potion shop and bought a bottle of Magic Enhancing Fluid(MEF). She walked back towards Tommy and poured a little of the potion around his ear openings and chanted, ''Mussoma!'' ''If you touch me again in any manner without my consent I will end you before you even know it okay?'' Tommy went off to find Tsai Quo and meet back at where they appeared. Shesia carefully examined the walls and touched random bricks while walking around in the town. Finally she touched one of the bricks in the wall and disappeared on the spot. She re-appeared and saw Rafael and Duncan. The interior was a empty room and Graffiti filling the walls.  Rafael was one of the representatives of the wolf district while Duncan was a blood sucking Dracula that ruled the vampire district. ''Nice to meet you again.'' Rafael said. ''Hi sexy.'' Dracula said in a deep slow voice. ''Dracula you're still perverted as ever.'' Shesia said. ''We have no time to spare idiots let's revise the plan."

               Elena was busy playing with the new found fairy in the snow. ''Hey Fairy I'm sorry about earlier;  can we be friends.'' Rodrick asked. ''I thought we all were friends already.'' Lila said. Rodrick sighed. ''Now can I beg of you a favor Lila?'' He asked. Elena was stunned by how Rodrick acted towards Lila, because Rodrick never really knew how to react to human emotions as a loner who only drew previously.  ''I think Rodrick have changed for the better.'' Elena thought. Lila smiled back and said ''yes.'' Rodrick asked Lila to link up her fairy energy to where Alvarez was. Lila cried and said, ''What a sinful kind, I can only point you towards the direction of that sinful being, because I cannot approach any sinful kind or I may die.'' Thank you Lila, for everything.'' Rodrick praised. ''I will appear back when the negativity have lifted.'' Lila said, and disappeared. Elena was saddened by all the negative remarks towards Alvarez as she jogged through the forest in the direction Lila pointed.  Meanwhile Shesia and the two insiders Gathered back at the meeting area. Tommy was walking nonstop around the city  searching for Tsai Quo who he Knew previously as a senile geezer who tend to walk around a lot. ''That old geezer must be walking non stop around the city.'' Tommy thought;  ''He would always sit somewhere for five minutes then run off to another place''. ''What a waste of time.'' He shouted, as he ran here and there across the city. 

                 When Shesia reached at the meeting spot with the insiders they were given the same formula that Tommy was given by Ciara. ''Is this the same thing that you said you were going to deal with earlier Ciara?'' Shesia asked. ''Yes.'' What a beautiful red hair you've got Ciara.'' Duncan said. ''Why the fuck are you insulting my hair ?'' Ciara said. ''It was a compliment.'' Rafael said. ''Badarsawa!'' Ciara chanted. Rafael and Duncan became dumb and tried desperately to talk. Shesia laughed and lead the group to a base. As for Elena and Rodrick they ended up sleeping under a tree front and behind. The fairy used her fairy dust to transport them across the forest during the night. The two groups rested for the night as Alvarez finally reached the first base of the Encursed Empire and Tsai Quo approaching the teams base while they slept.



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