CHAPTER 3: Dragon Queen Hydra & Ciara The Witch

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    Morning rose in the forest as they ran to see where the loud noise was coming from. ''HELP!'', a female voice shouted. They could hear a huge roar and a screaming girl's voice. '' Heeeeeelpp!'' They all ran into the spooky looking forest as they saw snow flakes dropping on their clothes. ''How is it snowing in autumn?'' Elena asked. ''Oh no!" Shesia said, ''That must be hydra, the dragon of snow.'' She finished. ''That dragon is basically the ruler of the Wuduhult Forests.'' Tommy said. ''Whenever we met that dragon we always have had to run.'' Tommy said. ''I will handle this , LOSERS!'' Alvarez said , as he took one of the sword from tommy's waist and ran off to the screaming girl. ''Wait, you idiot , if you run in like that you'll just get killed!'' Shesia shouted. ''Well , let that idiot be the distraction.'' Tommy said.  ''But we need a plan.'' Rodrick suggested. ''I heard that the dragon is breeding or some rumors''. Shesia added. ''Then if it's in the breeding period it must be weaker''. She finished. ''But what if its visa-versa?'' Rodrick asked. ''Then it must be way hungrier and deadlier and that's why it is chasing after everything in site.'' Elena said. ''Then its a life or death situation where we can only hope we're in luck''. Shesia said as she looked in the sky puzzled.

   Alvarez was busy trying to find his way to the loud noise without getting lost. He could hear the flap sound that was supposed to be the dragon's wing in his mind and ran faster. Finally he saw the mighty 20 feet tall creature flapping its glorious freed wings that blew the trees side to side in a left to right movement. The dragon stared down on the girl that fell due to her ankle getting stuck in a tree root that escaped from the ground and uttered. ''Filthy kind of no value, I am Hydra the dragon queen of snow and I have granted you thy honor of being my breakfast.'' Hydra said, as her voice echoed through the forest blowing snow flakes around in the air.  Alvarez looked down on the girl. Her face had freckles and pale with dark red hair near to mahogany. Her eyes was brown with a T-shirt and a sweater with a pencil footed jean pants and a ankle boot high heel. ''Whoa!'' Alvarez said as affection slid through his smutty mind. She got up and blasted a purple stream across the forest, hitting the dragon hardly in its face. ''What the hell was that?'' Alvarez said. ''Hi human, I'm Ciara, a witch.'' Ciara said. as she stared at Alvarez. His affection disappeared as scare fled through his guts. ''A..A...,A...,A....,A....,A...,A.... ; ''A fucking witch?'' Alvarez asked. The dragon spin around and used her leg to slap Ciara into a tree. Ciara was knocked unconscious as the dragon laughed in victory. Alvarez wasn't interested in the girl again and prepared to tackle the dragon as he used his two hands to clench the swords handle and posed decisively. 

The others caught up to Alvarez as Rodrick and Tommy ran to pick up Ciara. ''I am going to treat her medically'' Shesia said. ''I will help you, so let's get away from this area.'' Elena said. The two girls went away to the opposite direction. Hydra stared at the three remaining boys as she looked infuriated.  ''FILTHY KIND!'' Hydra shouted. She started to fly around the boys as she started to roar loudly. ''Oh Gosh, we managed to enrage a creature of this caliber.'' Rodrick said, as he took the sword from Tommy in fear. ''We better run, while we still can.'' Rodrick said. ''So you think I have nothing to put on the table as an experienced warrior in Fairy Dairy!?'' Tommy said. ''Show me already nerd.'' Alvarez said. ''As I said already, newbies, I have ran into this dragon a thousand times.'' Tommy ended. Tommy transformed into a werewolf and turned slant towards the dragon. His claws elongated from his wolf paws as he bended down and get ready to leap into the air towards the dragon. He leaped into the air towards the dragon as Rodrick and Alvarez searched for a spot to sail the sword into the dragon wounding it mortally.

    Before Tommy was about to jump into the dragons face it blew a whirl wind of snow flakes into his face then used its head to collide into his stomach. ''She is distracted, this is our chance!'' Rodrick said. They sailed the sword into the dragon's chest area and retreated back towards the trees. ''IT HURTS!'' Hydra shouted. The dragon fell and slammed into the ground. ''I think we got the bitch.'' Alvarez said. ''That isn't good enough guys.'' Tommy said in a weakened voice. He lifted up his upper body and spat out blood on the ground. ''aah!'' Hydra shouted as she  fidjet around the snowy ground and shouted miserably. ''Is she dying?'' Rodrick asked. ''No, I think she is going to lay.'' Tommy said. They stared at the dragon suffering for twenty minutes and soon saw five huge eggs pushing out through the rare. ''She layed eggs; what a extra-ordinary creature.'' Rodrick said. ''I can't believe this!'' Alvarez said. The dragon shined brightly making thousands of shadows across the forest. ''What's happening?'' Rodrick said, as he raised his hands over his eyes and tried to see the dragon. ''What is happening?'' Shesia said, as the light shined into her eyes. ''I hope they'll be fine.'' Elena said, as she unpacked some first aid items from shesia's sack. The dragon slowly stopped shining and blasted up. The three boys blasted back towards the forest. ''What the hell just happened?'' Tommy shouted. They all stood up and brushed off the ash, snow and dirt that was on their clothes. The eggs blasted off across the terrain as the smoke screen lifted. There they saw a woman standing naked with bruises on her belly. The three boys looked at her in astonishment. ''Filths, who are you staring at?'' The woman said. Tommy quickly picked up the situation and said under his voice, ''Guys that is hydra in her original form before she appeared in Fairy Dairy." Alvarez and Rodrick heard and slowly nodded their heads. ''We won't kill her, maybe she can be of some use to us later on.'' Tommy said. ''This is my chance!''; Alvarez said,as he ran up to Hydra and severed her head. ''No!'' Tommy shouted. ''Why the fuck did you do that?'' Tommy shouted. Alvarez felt a little pain in his head as he saw lightning gashing around his body. ''Ah! Ah! Like I take orders from you!'' Alvarez replied. Tommy became furious and transformed into a werewolf and ran towards him in anger. Alvarez used a lightning to strike him into his gut. Tommy was sent flying across the terrain. Rodrick looked at Alvarez frightened and stunned. ''I will not hurt you Rodrick, as long as you don't get in my way.'' Alvarez walked pass Rodrick as Rodrick frowned and stepped backwards. Soon the others came back as they looked at a humans severed body, Rodrick looking angered, Tommy lying unconscious and Alvarez Gashing with electricity around his body.................

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