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Okay, first thing is first. You probably saw how on the cover it said it was written by ShadowScorch and I. 

We both worked on this story, so even though I am the publisher it does not mean I am the only author. I just wanted to say that, so please go check out ShadowScorch 's profile and maybe give them a follow. 

Also, the art on the front isn't mine. 

There will be some parts that are a bit more sensitive to some readers so I will warn you on the chapters it happens.

This is a leondy story! And this has been in the process for a REALLY REALLY LONG TIME and still isn't completed. If you like Leondy, I would recommend reading. If not, that's fine as well. Find books you like, and please don't hate on the ones that aren't in your forte. 

Anyway, imma tag some people that are helpful and cool.

ShadowScorch (Thank you so much for writing this story with me!)

mochiquills (Here is the Leondy story that I said would be published! I hope you enjoy and thank you for being supportive and an awesome author!)

ThatDudeYuum1 (I know this isn't a Colgar book... but I hope you enjoy it if you like Leondy. Thank you for the amazing Colgar, and for voting/reading my books. You are a pretty cool dude.)

You should go follow all the amazing people I tagged :)

Anyway, sorry for the long intro. Enjoy the book!

Signing off,


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