I pretended to stare at the magazine... I had no clue what was going on.

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Leon's POV


"Leon, get out. If mom sees us together she's gonna assume the worst. Also, you are her favorite. Just pretend that everything is fine with her. Now, get out!"

I scramble out of her room, into mine where I grab my phone, shove in earbuds, and pretend to be reading a magazine. After a few minutes, I hear a knock.

"Hey honey, can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure." I take my earbuds out and put the magazine down.

"How's your day been, honey?"

"Good," I say slowly. "What's up?" I ask awkwardly.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to make sure you know that we don't raise sinners in this house. So, people who worship Satan, the LGBTQ community, all that stuff. You know that, right?"

All I can do is nod my head slowly. She smiles sweetly at me.

"Good! Now come on, it's time for dinner. Me and your father have a, uh, an announcement to make." We walk down to the dining room together. Nita is sitting close to our dad, Bo, and Mom takes a seat as far away from Nita as she can.

"Leon, Nita, your father, and I have an announcement to make. We have decided, because of recent circumstances, your father and I think it would be best if we two take some time apart."

"Yes, your mother is going to visit her family in Mexico for an indefinite amount of time." Nita and I pretend to act surprised even though we knew this has been in the cards for a while.

"When are you leaving?" I ask.

"Tonight, I found a flight to get to Mexico and I'll be leaving shortly after dinner."

"Wow, that's, wow, that is very soon," I say.

"Yes, I'll miss everyone dearly, but this will be important for me. Now can I get hugs from you two? I'll miss you!"

We walk over to her and she gives us both a hug, she whispers something in Nita's ear and I see her stiffen up.

"Are you leaving now?" Nita asks. Mom simply nods.

"I've had my bags packed for a while. Anyway, I love you, Leon. Bo, take care. And Nita? Remember what I told you."

Nita reddens. Curiosity is brimming over the edge. I'll ask her when mom leaves.

"Leon, can you walk me upstairs?"


Nervous energy rises in my stomach.

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