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Sandy's POV


"Fancy meeting you here, didn't think you would continue art after last year's fiasco with Mr. Ruffs."

"Yeah well, we need an art credit and I'm not going to do chorus or band so here we are. What are you doing here?"

"I got kicked out of band, they said I made too much of a ruckus. It didn't help that I didn't put effort into that class. So lo and behold look where I am, I'm sitting here in art class. About to make some stupid portrait of someone," she says.

"Alright, class. Today I'll be drawing sticks on who your partners will be. You will go find them and draw them for most of the class until I say stop. And then you will show what you've finished to the class! Any questions." She glances around the room and no one has their hands up.

"Alright, first off, is Jacky and Ryan," I have to stifle a laugh because Jacky really doesn't like Ryan. He tried to kiss her once in the third grade and she freaked out. It looks could kill, she could definitely murder everyone in this room with a moment's notice.

"Jon and Surge."

"Dani and Lou," she rattled off a few more names before I hear my name called.

"Sandy and Leon," I look over to Leon and I see he has a broad smile across his face.

"Don't draw me too bad," he jokes. We both know that both of us are poor artists. The only thing I can draw is like a stick figure. Still don't know why I'm taking art. But at least I get to be with Leon.

Wait... wow that was kinda romantic. Just thinking about that made my heart pitter-patter. Strange images swarm in my mind, Leon and I kissing, a make-out session, us holding hands, light kisses on the cheek, blushing when we say each other's name, dancing, hugging, loving each other.

"Hey Sandy, you okay? You look like you just started having a super pleasant daydream. You were drooling. What on earth were you thinking about?"

Leon's question startles me out of my thoughts. I feel a blush coming on and try to cover it up by scratching my cheek.

"Uh, yeah. I was just thinking about... um... lunch! Lunch for today. And since we are in high school, we get dessert every day. Hehehehehe yum yum yum!!"

I have to reset the urge to slap myself. I sound like an idiot.

"Uh, um, yeah, lunch. It's supposed to be some sort of cake though. I never knew you could get so excited for a cake that you would start drooling about it," he says trailing off.

"Well anyway, we should probably start drawing each other," I say quickly, desperate to change the subject. He glances at me weirdly but goes back to sketching me. If you could even call it that, I wasn't kidding when I said neither of us has an ounce of an artist's bone in us.

I try to focus on this drawing but I can't. I can hardly concentrate when my body is hyper-aware of Leon right next to me. I have never hated hormones more at this moment.

After about 30 more minutes of drawing, Ms. Rosa said it's time to share with the class. Mine was terrible, no surprise there. I had to try my best not to laugh while presenting it. Leon's wasn't much better than mine, but it was still better. You can at least see that he was trying to draw me.

Jacky showed hers to the class. It was fantastic. Who knew she had a talent for art?

"Wow, Jacky, this is wonderful! And you said you haven't taken art since elementary?"

"Yeah, I didn't like it that much, my teachers forced me to do what they wanted. I could never do what I wanted, so I just stopped taking it," she says simply.

"Well, I'm glad you enrolled again. I want you to be as creative as you want, I won't force you to draw anything you don't want, and that goes for everyone in this class, I won't control your creativity," she says sincerely. She is definitely going to be so much better than Mr. Ruffs.

"Yea thanks. It's okay I guess. I haven't drawn in years. So yea. My partner's wasn't great though."

"Jacky, even though you made some amazing artwork you need to watch your mouth. Everyone is trying their best!"

I clamp my hand over my mouth as I realize what I just said. I just stood up. To Jacky. The Queen of mean. Middle finger-pointing, Jacky. I'm in shock. Leon must be having a big effect on me.

"Wow! He can talk! The boy can talk! Everyone, it's a miracle!"

"I can talk, I just save my breath and don't waste it on you!"

"Oooh look Lil Sandy's got a temper! He's evolving. Now his boyfriend doesn't need to save him anymore!"

Oh no. Not this. Not again. No. Hormones, please. Hormones...

But of course, life never goes the way I want it to. Because I freeze up. And I can't say anything. So Leon has to come to my rescue. Again.

"Jacky, we aren't dating. Unlike you and Carl. So keep those thoughts to yourself. And be mindful for the love of god!"


The tears. No. The overwhelming feeling. Leon doesn't like me. Not in that way at least. Hell, he'll never like me. I'll never date him. The weight of the situation is like a brick, crushing me. It's tearing me apart.

The feelings. The feelings for Leon are too much. I can't. He says we aren't dating, it's true but I don't want it to be. I want him. Is that so bad?

It's right then and there I realize how big the feeling has gotten.

I have a crush on Leon, my best friend.

It's all too much. The tears start forming. Then they rush down my cheeks. And I run out of the room.

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