Chemistry, but in the literal form.

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Sandy's POV


Homeroom was fine, Chemistry was well, Chemistry (in the literal form) Bibi and Crow made out in the middle of class, and the teacher, Mr. Byron got super annoyed and sent them to the office. PE was well, PE. English was good we started reading a book called "The Great Gatsby" about some millionaire. History sucked and bored me to death but hey, that's history. Other than that the day has been kinda boring. At least I have art next. Art has always been fun. Helps me get away from reality.

I feel someone's hand on my shoulders, I grin knowing who it is. I turn around and see Leon. His chestnut hair is falling over his eyes again. I resist the urge to brush it away.

When Jacky called us lover birds earlier, something clicked in my head. I'm not in love or anything with Leon, just, slightly attracted to him. Of course, I can't pretend that it didn't hurt when he said that what she called us didn't matter to him. I've been quiet around him since that exchange. I'm usually quiet, but around Leon, I'm more energetic. I think he's started to notice.

He kept glancing my way during English, his eyes asking a million questions. But he never said anything. And it frustrated me. I couldn't focus at all during English because of it.

"Sandy, hey Sandy? Are you okay?" I glance up and he's looking at me intently.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?"

"Oh, you just weren't responding to me and looking past my shoulder, I just wanted to make sure everything was okay." He's concerned about me.

"I'm fine, just thinking about English, I can't believe Mr. Gale gave us a book to read on the first day of school. No warm-up or anything, he just got right to the point. It just threw me off guard I guess," I ramble on for a few minutes before Leon looks at me weirdly. Damn hormones, I wish they wouldn't get me so worked up around him. I hate this feeling, it's too embarrassing.

"Okay," he says slowly. "Let's go to Art, I hear Ms. Rosa is actually a good teacher, unlike last year," he keeps walking forwards and he starts laughing at our teacher last year.


As soon as we get into the classroom, Ms. Rosa welcomes us in with a big smile on her face and paint dripping from the picture she is holding.

"Hello, boys! Nice to see you. Today we are going to draw portraits of our classmates. Sit down and I will go over the directions."

"Wanna sit over here? Leon asks me. It's the table near the cabinets filled with art supplies. It used to be our table last year where us, Bibi, Crow, Jessie, and sometimes Penny would come over and sit there. We would talk, laugh, and have a great time even though our teacher, Mr. Ruffs would yell at us to be quiet. We wouldn't listen but still. It was still some of the best moments of my life.

I take a seat in the corner next to Leon. Jessie and Penny are also at the table. I wave to them and they give us big smiles back. And I'm about to exclaim how happy I am when guess who walks in the classroom and over to the table?


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