Mom... I'm A Brony.

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Sandys POV


"Hey, Sandy! How was your day?"


"Aww sweetie, come tell me what happened."

We go over to the couch. I came out to Gene, how hard can it be for my mom?"

"Mom, I... uh... I well.. like... umm... My Little Pony!!"

"You are a Brony?"

Ah, shoot. Oh no no no. This is not how I wanted it to happen. Whyyyy My Little Pony? Then I notice the pamphlet my mom is holding, of one of the ponies, the pink one who likes parties (my mom is a party planner) and things click.

"No, I'm not a Brony. That's not what I meant to say."

"Then what was? Go on, take your time." She says sweetly.

"Mom, I'm gay. I like boys. And I like Leon."


"Do you not know what that is?"

"Is it where the same-sex likes one another?"

You have to give my mom credit. She grew up in a home where her family wasn't really into LGBTQ+ stuff. She didn't really learn about it at all. She's tried to over the years but sometimes the information doesn't stick well.

And sometimes, you're a nervous wreck which is how I end up taking the next 30 minutes explaining parts of the LGBTQ+ community.

"Wow, that is a lot of information. Thank you for helping me understand it better, Sandy."

"You're welcome. Do you support me?"

"Of course. I want you to be happy. You being happy makes me happy. I don't care who you end up with, just as long as you are in love and he is a good person. I love you very much, understand that but sometimes I forget things about this. If I need help to understand, will you help me?"

"Of course. Thanks for supporting me. You're amazing. Love you."

"Love you too. So what else happened at school today?"


I'm sitting at the dinner table with Gene and my mom eating spaghetti. I've given my mom a rundown of the day and after she felt so sorry for me she decided to.. have me help with dinner. Love you too, Mom.

"So, how is everyone doing? Is dinner okay?" My mom asks.

"Yea it's good," I responded.

"Everything tastes okay, honey? Not too saucy? Is it to your liking?"

Okay... wait what? Why is my mom treating me like this?

"Mom, about what I told you, you don't need to treat me differently. I'm still the same person I've always been."

"But you like boys."

"So do you. It doesn't matter. You said you accepted me."

"Sweetheart, I do but I'm not acting this way because of you. It's because, um, I have a boyfriend."

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