It's totally hormones.

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Leon's POV


I continue to watch Stranger Things to get my mind off this new revelation. I hear the front door open.

"Who is it?"

"Your darling sister, Nita, who else?"

"No need to be sarcastic, I was just wondering, jeez. I didn't want some murderer walking into this house and then killing me."

"Well, if I was a murderer, why would I be so loud and respond to you?" I sigh exasperatedly.

"Nita just shut up, okay? I was just wondering who was at the door. No need to be such a jerk about it," I exclaim.

"Fine, be like that, my turn for the TV. Give me." She extends her hand and I begrudgingly give her the remote.

"What's your problem, anyway Leon?"


"Uh-huh. You tell me it's hormones all the time but that's not what it is. I was at school. I saw the fight you had with Sandy. Seriously though, I didn't think it would put you in this bad of a mood."

"Nita, that's not it."


"Look, I know I've been rude to you today but sometimes people come to realize who they are and that's what happened, okay?"

"What did you realize?"

"That I'm gay."

"That surprises you? Doesn't surprise me. You've never liked a girl."

"Nita, do you support me?"

"Yes, duh why wouldn't I when I'm gay too?"


"You think it's a shocker? Not really. You didn't see Bea and me locking lips in the courtyard today?"


"Too self-absorbed, I guess."

Well, Nita's coming out was kinda surprising. She's been boy crazy all summer but I guess that was just a cover-up. I feel bad for not noticing. I've always been able to pick up differences on my sister, we are twins after all. I should have seen it, the always hanging out with Bea, the never admitting who she liked, that random model on her calendar that she drew the tiniest heart above. Always thought it was because she liked the model since she was a comedian. But I've been so self-absorbed and in my feelings lately, I didn't notice the sudden change of her emotions. I should have been there for her. I couldn't feel worse.

"Well, maybe I have been. But you've been off in your own world all summer, it's a little hard to pick up on your sexuality when you're never around," I argue. She just gives me a smirk.

"Whatever floats your boat. But deep down in your mind, you know you've just been too self-absorbed to notice anything going on around you. Now move, I'm going to be watching Dance Moms so I suggest you leave." I mumble something before going upstairs and working on my homework.

After a few hours of working on my homework, I hear the front door open. I start to come downstairs but come to a halt when I hear mom shout something.

"What the hell are you watching, young lady?!" Mom shouts. I take a peek at whatever Mom gestured to and see Nita has paused some movie. I'm confused as to why Mom is so furious at her. But as I take a closer look I see there are two guys kissing.

"That's not good," I whisper to myself. Mom hasn't always been the most accepting person when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community. She believes it's indecent and disgusting.

"It's just a movie," Nita says simply.

"Why the hell are you guys kissing? It's disgusting, I can't believe you're watching something like that, those producers are going to hell for making that movie," she mumbles to herself.

"Well, then I guess I'll see them in hell then if that's what you believe."

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