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Sandys POV


"Good night, Mom. Night uncle Gene!"

"Love you, Sandy!"

I walk up to my bedroom and pack my bag for the next morning. From there I set my alarm, grab my robe, and head into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

After a nice long hot shower and a tiring day at school, I'm ready to hit the hay. I change into my favorite pair of PJs, dark blue shirt, robe, blue drawstring pants, and Spike slippers and crawl into my cozy bed.

Is it weird that I've always liked sleeping? Nah, I don't think so. The bed helps me escape from my reality and is cozy too. I snuggle into my blankets. Life might suck right now, but at least while I sleep I'm not aware.


Leon's POV


After watching some TV I head up to my room to get ready for bed. I just want today to be over with.

While I'm getting ready for bed, I think of Sandy and his sleep schedule. He was always in love with sleeping. He had this whole way of doing it. He would always sleep in silk pajamas and had so many pillows and blankets. Meanwhile, as long as I have a pillow and blanket I'm set for the night. So weird how we are so different but so alike. I miss him.

I sigh as I crawl into bed. I'm sure Sandy is probably in his silk pajamas, while I'm wearing just a shirt I got for free at the mall that says, "Mortis knows best." It's purple with little bats over it and it's a double XL because that's the only size he was giving out when he was trying to promote business. And he made so many that I got three of them. So did Nita. I've had this shirt for like 2 years and it never gets smaller. He did this trying to promote business by giving out free stuff. And it helped him, a ton. Now he's super-rich or something. I don't know a whole lot about him, but my mother always told me to stay away from him because he was unstable. Now I know that she was the unstable one.

Enough about my mother Amber. It's time for sleep.


Sandy's POV


It's been a few days since I've last spoken with Leon. I wish I had the courage to go up and talk to him. I'm terrified that if I do, he won't want to speak to me.

"Sandy it's obviously troubling you that you haven't spoken to Leon in a few days, just go up and talk to him. Everyone can tell you miss him, like your friends Crow and Bibi. He is probably missing you as much as you miss him." My uncle Gene says as I walk into the kitchen to grab an energy drink. Like always he could tell that something was up when I walked into the house today.

"But what should I say to him?"

"Ask to talk. He misses you too and he made a mistake. Love takes time. And also, isn't there a dance coming up soon? You could ask him out. After you rebuild your friendship."

"Okay. Thanks, uncle Gene."

"No problem, my boy. Do you have any homework?"

"No, why?"

"Uhm.. just wondering son. I have plans and didn't know where you were going to be."


"Yes, my boy. Plans."

Plans? I'm very confused. My uncle never has plans unless it's work-related. He's always working to help provide for our family. He doesn't have a whole lot of friends and they don't live near us. So who?

Before I can ask my question I hear the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it!" Uncle Gene yells as he rushes over to the door.

He opens it, and standing there is...

Some random dude.

"This what you mean by plans? You have a boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? No, Sandy. He's not my boyfriend. He's your dad."

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