His dad seems kinda sketchy... anyway, where is the leondy?

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Sandys POV


My jaw drops.

"No, this can't be my dad, we look nothing alike!" I protest, but when I take a good look at him. He has the same face shape and eyes as me.

"No, it can't be my dad, he can't possibly by my dad. My dad doesn't care about me, he left Mom and me years ago. He doesn't want to see me, why is he here, he can't be here!"

"Sandy, why don't you go to your room," uncle Gene suggests.

"No, I want to be here."

"Sandy, to your room. Now." He commands forcefully. He's never used that tone with me before.

I quietly head up to my room. I can't believe my dad is here. Why is he here? What will Mom do?

I lay on my bed for about half an hour before Uncle Gene comes into my room.

"Where's my dad?"

"He's downstairs, do you want to go out to dinner with your father and me?" He asks nervously. I nod my head cautiously.

"Does Mom know?" He simply nods his head without a word. He takes me downstairs to where my dad is sitting anxiously on the couch.

"Sandy!" My dad exclaims, running over to me. I can't get over the fact, well a couple of facts, actually. Fact 1- we have the same brown eyes, chiseled chin, strong cheekbones, and dark hair (well mine is purple) I have my mother's nose and mouth but the rest of my is my dad. Fact 2- he left my Mom, so why the hell is he standing in my living room? Fact 3- Uncle Gene knew about this. I don't really have time to dwell on this fact, since my dad wraps me in a bear hug and starts talking.

"Oh, Sandy how I've missed you, my boy!"

"Don't call me that. That's uncle Gene's name for me."

"Ha, okay but who's the father?"

"Uncle Gene."

"The answer was me!"

"No, it's not. You haven't been around my entire life, therefore you might look and act like my father, share the same blood but concerning family? We aren't related."

"Now, no need to get all up in arms over this. I get I haven't been here your whole life but your mother and I had a falling out."

"No, you left her out of the blue."

"Yes... but in reality, our relationship had been falling apart for quite some time, and your mother didn't even want to discuss this. She wasn't one for feelings, as I'm sure you know. So I made the decision easy and left her. We didn't talk about it because well, feelings and Tara mix like cat and dog so that was out of the question. Talking about it would have made it worse. So I left. And a couple of years later sent the divorce papers."

"And you figure you can come back into our lives now?"

"I made a mistake. Well, a lot actually. That's why I'm here. To fix them."

"So what, you take us out to dinner and buy us things, and automatically we are a happy family again?"

"My boy, no. This will take time, that I understand you won't forgive me at first. I get that. For now, I want to apologize. For not being there for you, my boy.."

"Don't call me that."

"My boy, please listen.."

"I said, don't call me that."

"My boy... I just want to apo.."


"Sheesh SANDY fine."

"Thank you."

"Mhm. Now, I just wanna say that I should've been there for you. I wasn't in your life and I should've been. I know it's late in our relationship but I wanna make things right and I know you do too. I'm not asking you to forgive me, I'm just asking for a fresh start a new chance where we can have a good strong healthy relationship. I know it's going to take time and I am OK with that but I just want you to know that I'm here for you, and I care so, Sandy? Tonight it won't be about me trying to make you forgive me. It will be about me understanding that you will not forgive me and me trying to right my wrongs. I love you kiddo."

This whole situation seems weird. I'm skeptical of it. And I think Uncle Gene can tell because he keeps glancing my way.

"Maybe at some point, I could go out to dinner with you, but not tonight, I have too much homework. But maybe sometime later in the week." I'm making excuses and everyone knows it. I see my father's shoulders sag.

"Well, it was good to see you. I guess just tell Uncle Gene whenever you want to have dinner with me," he says. He leans in for a hug but decides against it. I lean in and give him a side hug and he seems happy just for this simple gesture. He gives us both a wave before he walks out the door.

"What was that?"

"Look, he just wanted to meet you, is that so bad?" I give uncle Gene a look and he looks down at his feet.

"I don't want a relationship with my father. You're my father and that's good enough for me. I don't need him," I tell him firmly. He gives me a small smile.

"I love you, my boy. But this wouldn't be the worst thing that would happen. Maybe just try and talk with him, you never know."

"Fine," I agree. He looks overly proud of himself.

"Come on, let's go watch a movie or something before your mom gets home."


"Because maybe she will be proud we aren't out. Also, don't lie."

"Bout what?"

"You said you had homework but you didn't."

"Ah come on Uncle Gene, can we just forget about this?"

"We can try my boy. We can try."

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