The depressed one that wears eyeliner and listens to My Chemical Romance.

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Sandys POV


"I've known you forever, how did you not know this?"

"Wait, is he the depressed one that wears eyeliner and listens to My Chemical Romance?"

"Yep, that's the one."

"Why should I take advice from him?"

"Because he's been in a super stable relationship for the past 4 years."

"With who?"

"This girl named Colette. They met when they were 13 and started dating at 15. They compliment each other perfectly. He's more introverted and quiet, darker and brooding and she's extroverted, fun, and kinda a lunatic at times. They go great together."

"Seems like you ship them harder than the actual boat."

"I just want my big brother to be happy. After seeing him depressed for a good portion of my life, it's beautiful to see how happy she makes him. They make me believe in true love sometimes," she responds. I can see she's in her own little world.

"Really? I don't make you believe in true love?" Crow asks jokingly. She punches him in the shoulder. "Damn, that hurt."

"Oh shut up, you dork."


The rest of the day was uninteresting. It was weird being in a class with Leon but not being able to talk to him. I'm still furious with him, but it takes time to go from talking to someone every day to pretending like they don't even exist.

Uncle Gene knew something was up when I arrived home. He's been there my entire life. After my dad just left, he came into my life when he heard his sister, my mother, needed help.

That's what I love about him, he's not afraid to drop everything and be there for when the people he loves need him the most. He was always a bit off the charts according to mom, he skipped college and went to work at the Renaissance festival. When he heard that my dad left, he packed his bags, came here, and by some miracle, got into a local college program, and got his degree in finance. He told me that he was always good at math and stuff with finance, but it was boring. He needed to do something exciting. Hence why he joined the Renaissance festival and pursued his dream of acting.

But he did it so he could help support my mother while she was busy raising me.

"Come here my boy, what's up?" He grabs my arm as I'm walking past him and sets me on his lap like a child, "talk to me."

"I'm fine."

"Kid, I've known you your whole life. I can tell when something is up."

"Look, if I tell you will you not get mad?"

"Promise unless you broke a law."

"Okay, well I was thinking about myself and who I am as a person. And you know Leon?"


"Okay, well Uncle Gene I don't know how else to say it, but I think, no wait I know that I'm gay. I like Leon. Is that okay with you?"

Uncle Gene wraps me in a hug.

"Sandy, of course, it's okay! I don't care who you like! Love is love! I just want you to be happy. But what happened that you seem so upset?"

I tell him the rest of the story, about Jacky, Leon, and me not talking, Bibi and Crow, and anything else that happened.

"I'm so sorry Sandy. That sucks. I really don't know what to say except Leon will come around eventually. He always has. I hope you will get together."

"Thanks, Gene for accepting me for who I am. You're the best uncle ever. I love you."

"Love you too, kiddo."

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