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Sandys POV


Well. I can't believe what just happened. My best friend was just hanging out with our enemy, and she was feeding him food. I'm not only angry about this betrayal, but I'm hurt. It seems Leon has already found a girlfriend. I guess he's a straight guy after all. A guy who will never like me.

I wipe a spare tear away from my eye as I walk down the hall. Great. I'm 16 years old and I'm crying. What a baby. Leon was right. He's always saved me and now I need to advocate for myself.

I'll go into the boy's bathroom and wipe my face down. Then I'll come back to the cafeteria and face Leon. I'll ignore him. I won't care about him. I'll find someone else.

But I don't want to. I just wanna be Leon's friend. Hell, I wanna be his boyfriend. I want him so badly.

However, he treated me like crap. Called me a baby, hung out with our enemy behind my back, didn't check to see if I was okay. I'm not gonna run back to him. If he wants to be my friend, he will figure something out.

I'm on my way to the bathroom to freshen up when I hear a familiar voice.


"Hey, Sandy are you skipping lunch too? Wanna join Crow and me in the hallway? We have some snacks from the vending machine."

"Yeah sure."

"Hey, Sandy, what's got your feathers ruffled? You seem upset."

"I am. I just give me a sec in the bathroom to freshen up. Then I'll tell you and Crow everything that happened."

"Gotcha. See you soon."


"Wow. That's all I have to say."

I've finished telling Bibi and Crow everything that happened today.

"It seems like you and Leon are having some.... issues," Crow says.

Bibi slaps him on the shoulder.

"Is that really all you got out of that? Not the fact that Leon was dating Jacky behind our back?!" I lower my head, not really wanting to hear about Leon's new relationship.

"But you know what? You guys will make up in the end, you've been best friends for what, your entire lives? This is just some test to have you guys become better friends. And if Crow and I can still be friends even after all the weird breakups we've had, there is hope for you and Leon," Bibi states proudly.

"But you and Crow are dating..."

"That's beside the point. The point is, you can go through horrendous arguments and disagreements and still end up together in some way."

"Yeah, sure. That's helpful," I say sarcastically. Bibi looks at me unamused.

"Well, I don't know! Crow is my first boyfriend and I'm his first girlfriend. And you and Leon don't have any dating experiences so it's not like I can spew amazing advice right on the spot. Especially since I'm not the pep talker, so be grateful I'm even trying to help you!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I am very thankful for your advice, but your advice, it isn't helpful," I state bluntly. Crow bursts out laughing.

"Wow, Sandy, my guy, you really have changed, something or someone really changed you," he says through his tears.

"I don't know, maybe Leon. He brings out my best."

"Awwww how cute!" Bibi says smiling. I blush.

"Look, when you and he become friends again, come to me for dating advice."

"No offense, but I'm not gonna take advice from you. You've only had one boyfriend and that's been on and off. I wanna have a good, healthy relationship."

Crow smirks.

"Damn bro, you've changed. You actually speak your mind. And I don't think Bibi meant herself."

"I didn't. Don't take advice from me. Take advice from my brother."

"You have a brother?"

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